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DISCOVERY LIMITED - Reviewed condensed consolidated results for the year ended 30 June 2024 and cash dividend declaration

Release Date: 19/09/2024 09:00
Code(s): DSY DSBP DSY03 DSY09 DSY08 DSY06 DSY07 DSY02 DSY04     PDF:  
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Reviewed condensed consolidated results for the year ended 30 June 2024 and cash dividend declaration

(Incorporated in the Republic of South Africa)
(Registration number: 1999/007789/06)
Legal Entity Identifier: 378900245A26169C8132
JSE share code: DSY ISIN: ZAE000022331
JSE share code: DSBP ISIN: ZAE000158564
Debt company code: DSYI
Company tax reference number: 9652/003/71/7
("Discovery" or "the Company" or "the Group")



For the year ended 30 June
Group earnings                                                Unit               2024               2023                 % change
Normalised profit from operations                             R million          11 604             9 917                17
Profit attributable to ordinary shareholders                  R million          7 283              6 510                12
Headline earnings                                             R million          7 202              6 720                7
Normalised headline earnings                                  R million          7 329              6 400                15
Basic earnings per share                                      Cents              1 082.7            972.6                11
Basic headline earnings per share                             Cents              1 089.4            1 021.5              7
Basic normalised headline earnings per share                  Cents              1 108.6            972.8                14
Business volumes
Core new business annualised premium income                   R million          26 667             22 622               18
Total income from non-insurance lines(2)                      R million          6 191              5 349                16
Group net asset value and embedded value
Net asset value                                               R million          57 719             49 724               16
Embedded value(3)                                             R million          110 354            98 176               12
Annualised ROEV                                               %                  13.2               13.2
Basic embedded value per share                                R                  166.95             149.11               12
Financial leverage and capital management
Financial leverage ratio(4)                                   %                  20.0               20.4
Final ordinary dividend declaration per share                 Cents              152.00000          110.00000           38

(1) Includes restatements as a result of the adoption of IFRS 17 Insurance Contracts. Refer discussion below
(2) Includes income from business lines and activities not covered by the new business API definition. 
    Restated to include solutions revenue from external clients for Vitality Network
(3) Non-covered businesses are included at their net asset values only
(4) Allowing for the inclusion of 50% of the contractual service margin (CSM) net of reinsurance and net of tax in the denominator

Discovery Group achieved strong growth in the year ended 30 June 2024, with normalised operating profit up 17%
to R11 604 million, headline earnings up 7% to R7 202 million, normalised headline earnings up 15% to R7 329
million, and core new business annualised premium income (API) up 18% to R26 667 million.

The year under review was characterised by continued macroeconomic complexities. Global inflation rates declined
from the prior year highs, but cumulative interest rate increases heightened consumer pressures in many regions,
constraining economic growth. The uncertainty around elections in South Africa (SA) created further economic
headwinds during the year. A positive election outcome towards the end of the reporting period, following the
formation of the Government of National Unity (GNU), resulted in a significant shift in confidence, with some
immediate relief in market indicators. The National Health Insurance (NHI) Act, which was signed over the period, is
not workable in its current form, however the Group is engaging at multiple levels to facilitate a viable journey to
universal healthcare coverage in SA. In the United Kingdom (UK), fiscal challenges and the knock-on impact on the
National Health Service (NHS) backlogs, accelerated the demand for, and utilisation of, private medical insurance
(PMI). Many markets in Asia experienced post-COVID-19 recoveries, however, China continued to face significant
macroeconomic and growth constraints.

The Group focused on the following over the year:
1.  Delivering strong growth in earnings, value, cash generation and capital resilience;
2.  Entering a new phase in the lifecycle of the Group; and
3.  Arranging the Group into two distinct composites to drive the new phase of growth.


The IFRS 17 Insurance Contracts accounting standard became effective for the Discovery Group on 1 July 2023. Full-
year earnings have been reported under the standard for the first time, with comparative restatement of the prior
year, and a restatement of the opening Statement of financial position as at 1 July 2022. The details of these
restatements are covered in the reviewed condensed consolidated financial statements.

The Group grew normalised profit from operations by 17% with strong contributions from Discovery SA and Vitality
Global (VG), increasing 16% and 57% respectively. Vitality UK declined 14%, impacted by two specific issues: claims
experience in VitalityHealth and a basis strengthening for the back book under VitalityLife.

Normalised headline earnings grew 15% while headline earnings increased 7%, the difference explained by the
considerable prior period fair value gain from the UK interest rate swaption. The swaption was realised towards the
end of the prior financial year, with no profit impact in the current period. Consistent with prior reporting, headline
earnings were normalised for this.

The Group's embedded value increased to R110 billion, which represents a 13.2% return on embedded value
(RoEV). This included a positive contribution from experience variances over the period, reflecting the competitive
dynamics of the Shared-value Insurance model, as well as a strong improvement from non-covered businesses.

The Group demonstrated continued financial resilience over the year. The financial leverage ratio (FLR) improved to
20.0%, despite prudently raising R1.5 billion of debt, ahead of the election in SA, to derisk the refinancing of a
maturity towards the end of the current calendar year. Capital and liquidity ratios remained strong across every
business and central liquidity increased, even before the additional debt. This was driven by improved organic cash
generation, with cash conversion now at 66% of after-tax normalised operating profit (64% in the prior period), and
lower spend on new initiatives.


                                          Normalised         % change          Core new         % change
                                          profit from        (Current year     business API     (Current year
                                          operations         vs prior year)    (Current year,   vs prior year)
                                          (Current year,                       in ZAR
                                          in ZAR million)                      million)
 Discovery Health                         3 972              7%                11 069           26%
 Discovery Life                           4 765              9%                2 942            4%
 Discovery Invest                         1 522              20%               3 300            8%
 Discovery Insure(1)                      248                >100%             1 388            11%
 Discovery Bank                           (454)              41% lower
 Other SA initiatives and central costs   (336)              20%               1 038            38%
 Discovery SA                             9 717              16%               19 737           19%
 VitalityHealth                           435                (47%)             2 488            21%
 VitalityLife                             375                (20%)             1 956            14%
 Closure costs of VitalityInvest and      (75)               84% lower
 Other UK initiatives and central costs   (88)               10%
 Vitality UK                              647                (14%)             4 444            17%
 Vitality Network                         533                30%
 VHI – Ping An Health Insurance           1 124              85%               2 486            14%
 VHI – Other                              (386)              98%
 Other VG initiatives and central costs   (31)               11% lower
 Vitality Global                          1 240              57%               2 486            14%
 Normalised profit from operations        11 604             17%

(1)  Includes Discovery Insure's share of equity accounted profits of its associates.

Within the composites:

Discovery SA performed strongly, with a compelling contribution from each business in the composite.
• Discovery Bank exceeded expectations, with excellent progress across all metrics. The acquisition of quality
  clients continued to accelerate, resulting in strong revenue growth.
• Discovery Life delivered robust earnings, despite the result for Group Life being elevated in the prior year.
• Discovery Health generated solid earnings growth, while continuing to invest in technology, innovation and
  artificial intelligence.
• Discovery Invest delivered strong profit growth due to an increase in the value of assets under management. In
  addition, the earnings profile of certain contracts was amended to provide a more even ongoing profit release
• Discovery Insure delivered a strong recovery in the second half of the reporting year, as prior period
  management actions took effect.

Vitality UK achieved strong growth in customers, new business and earned premiums. Normalised operating profit
was impacted by two specific issues: claims experience in VitalityHealth and a basis strengthening for the back book
under VitalityLife.
• VitalityHealth's membership reached 1 million during the reporting year, having grown strongly from the
  increased demand for PMI given the backlogs experienced by the NHS. There was a concomitant increase in
  claims during the reporting period which negatively impacted earnings by GBP30 million, given the lag of premium
  increases. VitalityHealth has significantly increased prices in response to the higher claims, in line with the
  market, with little impact on observed lapse rates. Post the reporting period, claim levels are in line with
  actuarial expectation. As such, margins are expected to recover strongly in the 2025 financial year.
• VitalityLife's underlying performance was robust with new business value generation improving in the second
  half of the reporting year. In light of continued lower lapses than expected for a block of whole of life business
  within the Prudential Assurance Company (PAC) book, VitalityLife strengthened the lapse basis resulting in a
  negative impact on earnings of GBP12.5 million for the period. While VitalityLife has contractual service (CSM) and
  risk adjustment (RA) margins in excess of GBP400 million, these margins are not applicable to this particular
  cohort resulting in the basis change directly impacting in period earnings. This is not expected to recur.

Vitality Global delivered exceptional performance over the year.
• Ping An Health Insurance (PAHI) delivered an excellent operating result, with a reduction in the combined ratio,
  and strong cash generation. Importantly, PAHI commenced the payment of dividends at a payout ratio of 30%
  of 2023 calendar year distributable profits.
• Vitality Network generated strong profit and membership growth, with improving margins.
• Vitality Health International represents a key growth area for the Group, with investment made over the period
  to capitalise on the opportunity.


Shareholders are advised that a final gross cash dividend of 152.00000 cents was declared (121.60000 cents net
of dividend withholding tax) per ordinary share, out of income reserves. A dividend withholding tax of 20% will
be applicable to all shareholders who are not exempt.

The number of ordinary shares in issue at the declaration date is 676 374 092.
The salient dates for the dividend will be as follows:
Last day of trade to receive a dividend                                            Tuesday, 15 October 2024
Shares commence trading "ex" dividend                                            Wednesday, 16 October 2024
Record date                                                                         Friday, 18 October 2024
Payment date                                                                        Monday, 21 October 2024

Ordinary share certificates may not be dematerialised or rematerialised between Wednesday 16 October 2024 and
Friday 18 October 2024, both days inclusive.


This results announcement is the responsibility of the Board of Directors of the Company (Board).

Shareholders and/or investors are advised that this results announcement is a summary of the information contained
in the reviewed condensed consolidated financial statements for the year ended 30 June 2024 and does not contain
full or complete details. Any investment decisions by investors and/or shareholders should be based on a
consideration of the reviewed condensed consolidated financial statements available via the JSE link and published on our website at on 19 September 2024.

The results announcement has itself not been reviewed, however, the financial information included herein has been
extracted from the reviewed condensed consolidated financial statements which have been reviewed by the
independent joint auditors, KPMG Inc. and Deloitte & Touche, who expressed an unmodified review conclusion.

On behalf of the Board

ME Tucker                                               A Gore
Chairperson                                             Group Chief Executive
18 September 2024

Directors ME Tucker (UK) (Chairperson), A Gore* (Group Chief Executive), LM Chiume(1), R Farber, WM Hlahla,
FN Khanyile, D Macready, Dr TV Maphai(2), TT Mboweni, KC Ramon(1), M Schreuder, B Swartzberg*, BA van Kralingen,
DM Viljoen* (Group Chief Financial Officer), SV Zilwa(2)
* Executive.

(1)  Appointed effective 18 September 2023
(2)  Retired effective 16 November 2023

Debt officer
DM Viljoen

Registered office and business address
1 Discovery Place,
Sandton 2146

PO Box 786722,
Sandton 2146

Transfer secretaries
Computershare Investor Services Proprietary Limited

Equity and Debt Sponsor
Rand Merchant Bank (a division of FirstRand Bank Limited)

Company secretary
AC Ceba

Independent auditors
Deloitte & Touche

SENS release date 19 September 2024

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