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PROSUS:  74,343   -78 (-0.10%)  22/10/2024 18:15

PROSUS N.V - Finalisation of Distributions to Shareholders

Release Date: 22/10/2024 11:00
Code(s): PRX     PDF:  
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Finalisation of Distributions to Shareholders

Prosus N.V.
(Incorporated in the Netherlands)
(Legal Entity Identifier: 635400Z5LQ5F9OLVT688)
AEX and JSE Share Code: PRX ISIN: NL0013654783


Further to the announcement on 21 August 2024, holders of ordinary shares N are entitled to a
gross payment, in the form of a capital repayment, of 10 euro cents per share, holders of
ordinary shares A1 will receive a dividend distribution of 1.18686 euro cents per share and
holders of ordinary shares B will receive a dividend distribution of 0.00001 euro cents per share
for the year ended 31 March 2024.

Holders of ordinary shares N as at the Record Date who do not wish to receive a capital
repayment can elect to receive a dividend instead. A choice for one option implies an opt-out of
the other option. Elections to receive a dividend instead of a capital repayment will need to be
made by holders of ordinary shares N by Monday, 18 November 2024. Capital repayments and
dividends will be payable to shareholders recorded in the books on the dividend Record Date and
paid on or after the Payment Date.

Dividends and capital repayments are declared and paid in euros. Those holders holding their
ordinary shares N in South Africa via Strate will receive a gross distribution of 198.08300 Rand
cents per ordinary share N. This is based on an EUR/ZAR exchange rate of R19.8083 as at
21 August 2024.

Salient dates:

 Date                              Event

 Wednesday, 21 August 2024         Annual general meeting, including resolution to approve the
                                   distribution as follows:
                                      -    10 euro cents per share to N shareholders
                                              -   election to receive distribution in the form of
                                                  a dividend
                                              -   default if no election is made will be a capital
                                      -    dividend of 0.00001 euro cents per share to B
                                           shareholders (no election)
                                      -    dividend of 1.18686 euro cents per share to A
                                           shareholders (no election)
                                   Results of annual general meeting and currency conversion
                                   announcement (i.e. ZAR equivalent of Prosus distribution
                                   determined for JSE holders)
                                   Distribution declaration date
 Friday, 23 August 2024 –          Mandatory creditor opposition period
 Wednesday, 23 October 2024

 Tuesday, 22 October 2024          Finalisation date

 Tuesday, 29 October 2024          Last date for an N shareholders to trade on the JSE in order
                                   to appear in the shareholder register and participate in the

 Wednesday, 30 October 2024           -   Ex-dividend/capital repayment date for JSE
                                      -   Last date to trade N shares on the Euronext
                                          Amsterdam in order to appear in the shareholder
                                          register and participate in the distribution

 Thursday, 31 October 2024          Ex-dividend/capital     repayment     date     for    Euronext

 Friday, 1 November 2024            Record date to appear in the shareholder register and
                                    participate in the distribution ("Record Date")

 Monday, 4 November 2024 –          Dividend/capital repayment election period relating to
 Monday, 18 November 2024           ordinary N shares only

 Monday, 25 November 2024           Notarial deeds to effectuate the increase and decrease of the
                                    nominal value per share in the articles of association of
                                    Prosus to be signed and published on the website.

 Tuesday, 26 November 2024          Dividend/capital repayment date depending on elections in
                                    respect of the N shares ("Payment Date")

 Tuesday, 17 December 2024          Final date for intermediaries to upload Dutch DWT reclaims
                                    in accordance with tax treaties ("Dutch DWT Reclaims

Due to the differing ex-dividend dates between the JSE and Euronext Amsterdam, transfers of
N ordinary shares between the JSE and the Euronext Amsterdam between Wednesday, 30
October 2024, and Friday, 1 November 2024, both dates inclusive, will not be permitted.

Shareholders electing to receive a dividend will receive a dividend declared from retained
earnings. Dividends will be subject to the Dutch dividend withholding tax rate of 15% yielding,
to those shareholders not entitled to an exemption or relief from Dutch dividend tax, a net
dividend of 8.50 euro cents per share for N shares held via Euronext and, ignoring South African
dividend tax (see below), 168.37055 Rand cents per ordinary N share held via Strate on the
South African register and traded on the JSE and 19.98323 Rand cents per ordinary share A1 to
those shareholders not entitled to an exemption or relief from Dutch dividend tax.

In addition to the Dutch dividend withholding tax at a rate of up to 15%, dividends paid in
respect of ordinary N shares on the South African register and traded on the JSE will also be
subject to South African dividend tax at a rate of up to 20% in relation to shareholders not
entitled to an exemption from South African dividend tax. The amount of additional South African
dividend tax payable may be subject to a rebate for Dutch dividend withholding tax paid in
respect of such dividend without any right of recovery by any person, so that the aggregate
dividend tax would in those cases add up to a maximum of 20%.

As a general position for South African tax resident shareholders holding their shares on the JSE
that are not exempt from South African dividend tax, if they positively elect to receive a dividend,
the consequences will be as follows:

 Holders of ordinary shares N on the JSE*                                                ZAR cents
 Gross amount of the Dividend                                                            198,08300
 Less: 15% Dutch Withholding Tax                                                          29,71245
 Net Dividend after the deduction of the Dutch Withholding Tax                           168,37055
 Less: 10% SA Dividends Tax                                                               19,80830
 Net amount of the Dividend                                                              148,56225
 * Non-South African shareholders may be subject to South African dividend tax (in addition to
   the 15% Dutch dividend withholding tax) of 20%.

Holders of Prosus American Depositary Receipts which trade on an over-the-counter basis in the
United States will receive a dividend.

Shareholders who are entitled to a reduced Dutch dividend withholding tax rate or an exemption
from Dutch dividend withholding tax can submit the required evidence to substantiate their
position on the ABN AMRO portal. Those shareholders have until the Dutch DWT Reclaims Date
to provide evidence to ABN AMRO.

South African corporates who own 5% or more of the shares in Prosus may qualify for an
exemption from Dutch dividend withholding tax.

The treaty between South Africa and the Netherlands notes that the Dutch dividend withholding
tax may get reduced from 15% to 10%. This reduction applies equally to corporates holding less
than 10% of the capital of Prosus, individuals and other persons who qualify as residents of
South Africa for treaty purposes. If shareholders conclude that they are entitled to benefits
arising from the tax treaty, such shareholders should follow the process prescribed by the tax
treaty to claim relief.

Please note that no Dutch dividend withholding tax will be withheld on repayments of share
capital. There will also be no South African dividend tax on repayments of share capital.

Shareholders are advised that the matters contemplated in this announcement may have
different consequences for each shareholder depending on the jurisdiction in which they reside
and their other unique circumstances. Shareholders are accordingly advised to consult with their
tax advisors in relation to matters contained in this announcement.

Prosus does not accept responsibility and will not be held liable for any act of or omission by any
CSDP or broker, including, without limitation, any failure on the part of the CSDP or broker or
any registered shareholder to notify the holder of any beneficial interest in respect of the
distribution or any other matter set out in this announcement.

Tax Implications

1.     Dutch Tax Implications

1.1.     General

         Capital repayments will be paid from share capital. No Dutch dividend withholding tax
         ("DWT") will be withheld on the amounts of capital repayments paid to shareholders.

         Where a shareholder elects to receive a dividend, generally, 15% DWT will be withheld
         by Prosus on the cash dividend, leaving a distribution amount per share net of this 15%
         Dutch DWT, unless:

1.1.1.     a shareholder qualifies for an exemption from or a reduction of Dutch DWT on the
           basis of Dutch domestic law (including implementation of EU Directives) and/or a tax
           treaty concluded by the Netherlands; and

1.1.2.     the formal requirements to apply such exemption from or reduction of Dutch DWT
           are satisfied (insofar applicable).

         Prosus will initially withhold 15% Dutch DWT on ALL cash dividends distributed on
         Payment Date. As a subsequent step, if and to the extent Prosus has been provided
         before Dutch DWT Reclaims Date with proof that a shareholder qualifies for an
         exemption from or a reduction of Dutch DWT on the basis of Dutch domestic law, the
         difference between 15% and the Dutch DWT to be withheld will be paid out to the
         shareholder, after the Dutch DWT return and/or Dutch DWT notification has been filed
         by Prosus with the Dutch tax authorities. Prosus will remit the Dutch DWT to be withheld
         to the Dutch tax authorities based on the Dutch DWT return. Shareholders who are
         entitled to a reduced Dutch dividend withholding tax rate or an exemption from Dutch
         dividend withholding tax can submit the required evidence to substantiate their position
         on the ABN AMRO portal.

1.2.     Domestic exemptions from Dutch DWT

1.2.1.     General

           Corporate shareholders may be exempt from Dutch DWT in terms of Dutch domestic
           law, if:      The shareholder is tax resident in the Netherlands and owns 5% or more of the
              share capital of Prosus, provided that the further requirements for the application
              of the Dutch participation exemption are met. Special rules may apply for
              corporate shareholders that are considered tax transparent in their country of
              residence, or considered tax transparent from a Dutch tax perspective; or      A shareholder is considered tax resident within the EU or EEA or is a tax resident
              of a country with which the Netherlands has concluded a tax treaty containing an
              article on taxation of dividends (such as South Africa), and, as a general rule, this
              corporate shareholder is the beneficial owner of the dividends distributed by
              Prosus and owns 5% or more of the share capital of Prosus. In addition to the
              shareholding requirement, the shareholder is also required to meet certain other
              conditions relating to the application of the Dutch participation exemption,
              determined as if the corporate shareholder is a Dutch tax resident.

              The above exemptions are not available in cases of abuse, for which a main
              purposes test and artificial arrangement test applies.

              If a shareholder is eligible for an exemption or reduction from Dutch DWT, in order
              to place reliance on such exemption or reduction, the shareholder is required to
              submit certain information to ABN AMRO as set-out below.

1.2.2.     Dutch corporate shareholders owning 5% or more of Prosus' share capital

           In order to rely on this domestic exemption from Dutch DWT described in paragraph
  above, the shareholder should provide ABN AMRO via its own intermediary
           bank with: (i) its name, address and place of residency, and corresponding extract
           from the Dutch Chamber of Commerce; (ii) the number and percentage of shares
           owned in Prosus; (iii) its bank account details; and (iv) a statement confirming that
           the Dutch participation exemption applies to the dividend at the level of the Dutch
           corporate shareholder. This information should be submitted before the Dutch DWT
           Reclaims Date.

           As indicated above, Prosus will, as a general rule, initially withhold 15% on ALL
           dividends distributed on the Payment Date. If, however, Prosus has been provided
           with proof, to its satisfaction, ultimately before the Dutch DWT Reclaims Date, that
           the relevant shareholder qualifies for an exemption from Dutch DWT, no amount of
           Dutch DWT will be withheld, and the 15% Dutch DWT that otherwise would have
           been withheld will be paid out by Prosus to the relevant shareholder directly, after
           the Dutch DWT return has been filed by Prosus with the Dutch tax authorities.

1.2.3.     EU/EEA or tax treaty country resident corporate shareholders owning 5%
           or more

           In order for a corporate shareholder to rely on the domestic exemption from Dutch
           DWT described in paragraph above, the shareholder should provide ABN
           AMRO via its own intermediary bank with: (i) its name, address and place of
           residency; (ii) the number and percentage of shares owned in Prosus; (iii) a tax
           residency certificate issued by its country of residence; (iv) its bank account details;
           and (v) a statement confirming that all relevant conditions of the DWT exemption are
           met. This information should be submitted before the Dutch DWT Reclaims Date.
           Subsequently, Prosus will need to file a Dutch DWT notification with the Dutch tax

           Shareholders are advised that Prosus will, as a general rule, initially withhold 15%
           Dutch DWT on ALL dividends distributed on the Payment Date. If, however, ABN
           AMRO has been provided with proof, to its satisfaction, by the Dutch DWT Reclaims
           Date, that the relevant shareholder qualifies for an exemption from Dutch DWT, no
           amount of Dutch DWT will be withheld, and the 15% Dutch DWT that otherwise would
           have been withheld will be paid out by Prosus to the relevant shareholder directly,
           after the Dutch DWT return has been filed by Prosus with the Dutch tax authorities.

1.3.     Tax treaty relief

         Shareholders that do not qualify for the domestic exemption from Dutch DWT as outlined
         in paragraph 1.2, may qualify for an exemption from or reduction of Dutch DWT on the
         basis of a relevant tax treaty concluded by the Netherlands. The claiming of tax treaty
         relief or a credit will generally be subject to formal requirements.

         Shareholders should consult their tax advisor to determine if such an exemption or
         reduction is applicable to their situation and in which way, they can claim this Dutch
         DWT back from the Dutch tax authorities.

2.     South African Tax Implications

2.1.     General

         A capital repayment in respect of a Prosus share that is listed on the JSE will be regarded
         as a "foreign return of capital" for South African tax purposes. No South African dividend
         tax ("SADT") will be withheld on the amounts paid to shareholders as a capital

         For SA resident shareholders holding Prosus shares as a capital investment, the capital
         repayment will reduce the South African tax base cost of the Prosus shares in the hands
         of the shareholder by an amount equal to the capital repayment. To the extent that the
         capital repayment may exceed the tax base cost of the Prosus shares, taxable gains
         may result in shareholders being subject to South African capital gains tax.

         Where a shareholder elects to receive a dividend in respect of a Prosus share that is
         listed on the JSE, such distribution will be regarded as a "foreign dividend" for South
         African income tax purposes and should generally be exempt from normal tax in South
         Africa. However such foreign dividends will, generally and in addition to being subject
         to Dutch DWT, be subject to 20% SADT, to be withheld by the regulated intermediary
         in South Africa (CSDP), leaving a distribution amount per share net of SADT, unless: a
         shareholder qualifies for an exemption from SADT, on the basis of South African
         domestic law and before the dividend is paid, the formal requirements to apply such
         exemption from SADT are satisfied (insofar as applicable).

         In order to qualify for any exemption from SADT described above, the person to whom
         the dividend is paid must provide the following documentation to the CSDP before the
         dividend is paid:

2.1.1.     a written declaration that the dividend is exempt from SADT in terms of South African
           domestic law; and

2.1.2.     a written undertaking to inform the regulated intermediary in writing should the
           circumstances affecting the exemption/reduction applicable change or should the
           beneficial owner cease to be the beneficial owner, by the date determined by the
           CSDP, or where no date is determined, by the date of payment of the dividend.

2.2.     Tax implications for South African corporate shareholders

         Where the South African resident beneficial owner of the dividend is a company, the
         dividend will be exempt from SADT in terms of domestic law, provided the documentary
         requirements set out above are complied with.

2.3.     Tax implications for South African non-corporate shareholders

         Where the South African resident beneficial owner of the dividend is a non-corporate
         shareholder, the dividend may be exempt from SADT in terms of domestic law. Where
         the dividend does not qualify for one of the domestic exemptions, SADT will be paid at
         an initial rate of 20%, subject to a rebate for Dutch DWT paid in respect of such dividend
         without any recovery by any person.

2.4.     Rebate on SADT paid

         A rebate for foreign taxes (i.e. Dutch DWT) imposed on the dividend paid is available to
         reduce the SADT liability. This rebate is calculated based on the Dutch DWT paid without
         the right of recovery by any person. In other words, the rebate is limited to the amount
         of Dutch DWT paid after taking into account relevant exemptions from, or reductions of,
         Dutch DWT that the shareholder may be eligible for as described in paragraph 1 above.

         The rebate will further be limited to the SADT imposed. For example, if the dividend is
         exempt from Dutch DWT in terms of Dutch domestic law as a result of the shareholder
         holding 5% or more of Prosus's shares, no rebate will be available.

         The CSDP is responsible for withholding SADT from the dividend payable to shareholders
         on the South African register and paying such amounts to the South African Revenue

         In order to apply a rebate, the CSDP must be satisfied:

2.4.1.     that Dutch DWT was applied; and

2.4.2.     that the relevant shareholder qualifies for a reduced rate of Dutch DWT.
         The rebate for foreign taxes is determined in Rands by translating the foreign currency
         amount using the same rate used to translate the foreign dividend.

2.5.     Refund mechanism

         The maximum effective dividend tax to be paid by South African tax resident
         shareholders on the South African register, who are not exempt from SADT will be 20%.
         For example, where a CSDP is satisfied that a particular shareholder has paid 15% Dutch
         DWT, which is not recoverable by that shareholder from the Dutch tax authority, such
         CSDP should withhold only 5% SADT, being the 20% SADT less 15% Dutch DWT (unless
         a specific South African domestic exemption applies and the required documentation as
         set out in paragraph 2 has been provided to the CSDP). However, if the CSDP is not
         satisfied that the Dutch DWT cannot be recovered by the shareholder, the CSDP may
         withhold up to 20% in SADT.

         If such shareholder pays more than an aggregate 20% tax (being the total Dutch DWT
         and SADT paid on the same dividend), such shareholders are advised to follow the
         procedures set out paragraphs 1, if appropriate, in order to claim a refund of Dutch DWT
         overpaid. Where an amount of SADT has been overpaid as a result of failure to comply
         with the requirements described in paragraphs 2.4.1 and 2.4.2, or the failure to deduct
         a rebate as described in paragraph 2.4, the shareholder may be entitled to claim a
         refund of the SADT overpaid. This refund must be claimed from the CSDP within a period
         of three years after the date of payment of the dividend.

         Whether or not there is a refund due to the shareholder should be determined with
         reference to the specific facts applicable to that shareholder.

         The information provided above does not constitute tax advice and is only provided as
         a general guide on the South African tax treatment of the cash dividend declaration by
         Prosus to South African tax resident shareholders. For shareholders residing outside of
         South Africa, the dividend may have other legal or tax implications and such
         shareholders are advised to obtain appropriate advice from their professional advisers
         in this regard.

Amsterdam, the Netherlands
22 October 2024

JSE sponsor to Prosus
Investec Bank Limited


Investor Enquiries                                                        +1 347-210-4305

Eoin Ryan, Head of Investor Relations

Media Enquiries                                                            +31 6 15494359

Charlie Pemberton, Communications Director

About Prosus

Prosus is a global consumer internet group and one of the largest technology investors in the world. Each month, over two billion customers across
the globe use the products and services of companies that Prosus has invested in, acquired or built. Prosus builds leading consumer internet companies
that empower people and enrich communities. The group is focused on online classifieds, food delivery, payments and fintech. The team actively backs
exceptional entrepreneurs using technology to improve people's everyday lives.

Prosus has a primary listing on Euronext Amsterdam (AEX:PRX) and secondary listings on the Johannesburg Stock Exchange (XJSE:PRX) and A2X
Markets (PRX.AJ). Prosus is majority-owned by Naspers.

For more information, please visit


The Repurchase Programme is being conducted in accordance with Articles 5(1) and 5(3) of Regulation (EU) No 596/2014 of the European Parliament
and of the Council of 16 April 2014 on market abuse ("Market Abuse Regulation") and Articles 2 to 4 of Commission Delegated Regulation (EU)
2016/1052 supplementing the Market Abuse Regulation with regard to regulatory technical standards for the conditions applicable to buy-back
programmes and stabilisation measures (the "Delegated Regulation"). This document is issued in connection with the disclosure and reporting
obligation set out in Article 2(1) of the Delegated Regulation.

This document contains information that qualifies as inside information within the meaning of Article 7(1) of the Market Abuse Regulation.

This announcement does not constitute, or form part of, an offer or any solicitation of an offer for securities in any jurisdiction.

The information contained in this announcement may contain forward-looking statements, estimates and projections. Forward-looking statements
involve all matters that are not historical and may be identified by the words "anticipate", "believe", "estimate", "expect", "intend", "may", "should",
"will", "would" and similar expressions or their negatives, but the absence of these words does not necessarily mean that a statement is not forward-
looking. These statements reflect Prosus's intentions, beliefs or current expectations, involve elements of subjective judgement and analysis and are
based upon the best judgement of Prosus as of the date of this announcement, but could prove to be wrong. These statements are subject to change
without notice and are based on a number of assumptions and entail known and unknown risks and uncertainties. Therefore, you should not rely on
these forward-looking statements as a prediction of actual results.

Any forward-looking statements are made only as of the date of this announcement and neither Prosus nor any other person gives any undertaking,
or is under any obligation, to update these forward-looking statements for events or circumstances that occur subsequent to the date of this
announcement or to update or keep current any of the information contained herein, any changes in assumptions or changes in factors affecting
these statements and this announcement is not a representation by Prosus or any other person that they will do so, except to the extent required by

Date: 22-10-2024 11:00:00
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