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WOOLWORTHS HOLDINGS LIMITED - Availability of Annual Reports, B-BBEE Report, Notice of AGM, Woolworths (Pty) Ltd AFS; and Changes to Board

Release Date: 30/09/2024 17:05
Code(s): WHL WHL14 WHL13     PDF:  
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Availability of Annual Reports, B-BBEE Report, Notice of AGM, Woolworths (Pty) Ltd AFS; and Changes to Board

Woolworths Holdings Limited
(Incorporated in the Republic of South Africa)
Registration number: 1929/001986/06
Share code: WHL
ISIN: ZAE000063863
Bond company code: WHLI
LEI: 37890095421E07184E97
("WHL" or "Company" or "WHL Group")


In terms of the JSE Limited ("JSE") Listings and Debt Listings Requirements, shareholders and
Senior Unsecured Floating Rate Noteholders are advised as follows:

Notice of availability of Annual Reports

The 2024 Integrated Annual Report and Good Business Journey Report are available online on WHL's
corporate website at:

Notice of availability of Broad-Based Black Economic Empowerment compliance report

The Company's annual compliance report in terms of section 13(G)(2) of the Broad-Based Black
Economic Empowerment Act 53 of 2003, as amended, is available on the Company's website at:

Notice of Annual General Meeting

Notice is hereby given that the Annual General Meeting ("AGM") of shareholders of the Company
will be held by way of a hybrid meeting on Monday, 25 November 2024 at 10:00. Shareholders are
invited to attend the meeting in person at Woolworths House, 93 Longmarket Street, Cape Town
8001, or online by electronic communication and participation via the virtual platform described in
the Notice of AGM.

The Notice of AGM, together with the summary Annual Financial Statements of the Group for the
53 weeks ended 30 June 2024, has been posted today, 30 September 2024, to those shareholders
who have not elected to receive electronic communication. The Notice of AGM is also available on
the Company's website at

Salient dates

 Record date to determine which shareholders are entitled to           Friday, 20 September 2024
 receive the Notice of AGM

 Last day to trade in order to be eligible to attend and vote at       Tuesday, 12 November 2024
 the AGM

 Record date to determine which shareholders are entitled to            Friday, 15 November 2024
 attend and vote at the AGM

For administrative purposes only, proxy forms may be delivered as follows:

 -  to the Company's Transfer Secretaries, Computershare Investor Services
    Proprietary Limited, by hand at Rosebank Towers, 15 Biermann Avenue, Rosebank, 2196
    or via post at Private Bag X9000, Saxonwold, 2132, (or via email at, by 10:00 on Friday, 22 November 2024); and
 -  thereafter, to the Company, for the attention of the Group Company Secretary at

Any forms of proxy not submitted by this time may nevertheless be submitted prior to the proxy
exercising a shareholder's rights at the AGM, as follows:

 -  to the Company's Transfer Secretaries, Computershare Investor Services
    Proprietary Limited via email at; and
 -  to the Chairman of the AGM via email at

Notice of availability of Woolworths Proprietary Limited Annual Financial Statements

Woolworths Proprietary Limited ("Guarantor") is the Guarantor of the Company's
Domestic Medium Term Note Programme. Senior Unsecured Floating Rate Noteholders are advised
that the Annual Financial Statements for the year ended 30 June 2024 ("2024 financial statements")
of the Guarantor will be made available at WHL's registered office on or about 04 October 2024 and
upon request from the Group Company Secretary at Senior
Unsecured Floating Rate Noteholders are also advised that the audit report on the 2024 financial
statements of the Guarantor is unqualified, with no modifications applicable.

Changes to Board Committees

Shareholders are reminded of the SENS announcement published on 28 February 2024 where
shareholders were advised that Hubert Brody will be stepping down from the Board with effect from
the conclusion of the AGM. Clive Thomson has been appointed to succeed Hubert as Chairman of the
Board when Hubert steps down. A resolution for approval by shareholders proposing the
confirmation of Clive's appointment as the Chairman of the Board is included in the Notice of AGM.

In line with the WHL Board succession planning, the Board has resolved that with effect from
the conclusion of the AGM, Clive will step down as Chairman of the Audit and Treasury Committees.
Clive has been appointed as Chairman of the Nominations Committee, interim Chairman of the
Remuneration and Talent Management Committee and a member of the Sustainability Committee
with effect from the conclusion of the AGM. Further that Lwazi Bam will be appointed as Chairman
of the Audit and Treasury Committees with effect from the conclusion of the AGM.

Cape Town
30 September 2024

Equity Sponsor and Debt Sponsor
Investec Bank Limited

Date: 30-09-2024 05:05:00
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