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STANDARD BANK GROUP LIMITED - Results of Annual General Meeting and retirement of directors

Release Date: 10/06/2024 16:51
Code(s): SBK SBKP SBPP     PDF:  
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Results of Annual General Meeting and retirement of directors

Registration number 1969/017128/06
Incorporated in the Republic of South Africa

JSE and A2X share code: SBK
ISIN: ZAE000109815
NSX share code: SNB
SBKP ZAE000038881 (First preference shares)
SBPP ZAE000056339 (Second preference shares)

("Standard Bank Group" or "the Company")

Results of Annual General Meeting and Retirement of Directors

Standard Bank Group is pleased to advise its shareholders that all the ordinary and special resolutions
proposed in the Notice of Annual General Meeting ("AGM") and tabled at the Company's AGM held at 10h00
today, Monday 10 June 2024, were passed by the requisite majority of votes cast by shareholders.

As at Friday, 31 May 2024, being the AGM record date ("Voting Record Date"), the Standard Bank Group's
share capital was as follows:

      -   the total number of ordinary shares of 10 cents each ("Ordinary Shares") in issue was
          1 675 835 579, ("Standard Bank Issued Ordinary Shares"); and
      -   the total number of non-redeemable preference shares of 1 cent each ("Preference Shares") in issue
          was 52 982 248, ("Standard Bank Issued Preference Shares").

The issued Ordinary and Preference Shares eligible to vote by being present in person or by submitting
proxies were as follows:

      -   1 377 141 366 Ordinary Shares, being 82% of issued Ordinary Shares ("Standard Bank Voteable
          Ordinary Shares"); and
      -   10 872 889 Preference Shares, being 21% of the issued Preference Shares ("Standard Bank
          Voteable Preference Shares").

The voting details with respect to the proposed resolutions were as follows:

1.    Ordinary Resolution – Re-election of directors

                                                                    Abstain                    % of Issued
     Directors                         For (%)     Against (%)                   Total Votes
                                                                       (%)*                        Capital
     1.1 Paul Cook                     99.78%           0.22%        0.06%     1 365 336 822      81.47%
     1.2 Martin Oduor-Otieno           99.73%           0.27%        0.06%     1 365 336 822      81.47%
     1.3 Sola David-Borha              95.44%           4.56%        0.06%     1 365 336 822      81.47%

2.    Ordinary Resolution – Re-election of Group Audit Committee members

                                                                    Abstain                    % of Issued
     Audit Committee Members           For (%)     Against (%)                   Total Votes
                                                                       (%)*                        Capital
     2.1 Lwazi Bam                     94.48%           5.52%        0.06%     1 365 336 822      81.47%
     2.2 Trix Kennealy                 98.05%           1.95%        0.06%     1 365 336 822      81.47%
     2.3 Nomgando Matyumza             98.93%           1.07%        0.06%     1 365 336 822      81.47%
     2.4 Martin Oduor-Otieno           99.74%           0.26%        0.07%     1 365 137 642      81.46%
3. Ordinary Resolution – Appointment of external auditors

                                                                   Abstain                    % of Issued
                                      For (%)    Against (%)                   Total Votes
                                                                      (%)*                        Capital
     3.1 PricewaterhouseCoopers       95.57%         4.43%          0.04%    1 365 675 369       81.49%
     3.2 Ernst & Young Inc.             100%            0%          0.04%    1 365 675 369       81.49%

4. Ordinary Resolution – Placing of authorised but unissued non-redeemable preference shares
   under the control of the directors

                                                                                              % of Issued
                 For (%)           Against (%)      Abstain (%)*         Total Votes
                 97.92%                2.08%              0.06%        1 365 264 005             81.47%

5.    Ordinary Resolution – Placing of authorised but unissued ordinary shares under the control of
      the directors

                                                                                              % of Issued
                 For (%)           Against (%)      Abstain (%)*         Total Votes
                 88.04%               11.96%              0.04%        1 365 675 571             81.49%

6.    Ordinary Resolution - General authority to issue authorised but unissued ordinary shares for

                                                                                              % of Issued
                 For (%)           Against (%)      Abstain (%)*         Total Votes
                 89.22%               10.78%              0.04%        1 365 675 571             81.49%

7.    Non-binding Resolutions – advisory vote on remuneration policy and remuneration
      implementation report

                                                                   Abstain                    % of Issued
                                      For (%)    Against (%)                   Total Votes
                                                                      (%)*                        Capital
     7.1 Standard Bank Group's        89.92%        10.08%          0.04%    1 365 652 360       81.49%
     remuneration policy
     7.2 Standard Bank Group's        88.48%        11.52%          0.25%    1 362 075 689       81.28%
     remuneration implementation

8.    Special Resolution – Approval of non-executive directors' fees

                                                                   Abstain                    % of Issued
                                       For (%)   Against (%)                    Total Votes
                                                                     (%)*                         Capital
     Standard Bank Group
     8.1 Chairman                     99.19%         0.81%           0.04% 1 365 621 460         81.49%

     8.2 Directors of Standard        99.57%         0.43%           0.04% 1 365 621 460         81.49%
     Bank Group

     8.3 International Directors      94.68%         5.32%           0.04% 1 365 621 460         81.49%
     8.4 Audit Committee
     8.4.1 Chairman                    99.91%       0.09%        0.04% 1 365 602 811     81.49%

     8.4.2 Members                     99.91%       0.09%        0.04% 1 365 623 691     81.49%

     8.5 Directors' Affairs Committee
     8.5.1 Members                    99.91%        0.09%        0.04% 1 365 602 811     81.49%

     8.6 Remuneration Committee
     8.6.1 Chairman                    99.91%       0.09%        0.04% 1 365 623 791     81.49%

     8.6.2 Members                     99.91%       0.09%        0.04% 1 365 623 791     81.49%

     8.7 Risk & Capital Management Committee
     8.7.1 Chairman                 99.91%          0.09%        0.04% 1 365 623 791     81.49%

     8.7.2 Members                     99.91%       0.09%        0.04% 1 365 623 791     81.49%

     8.8 Social, Ethics and Sustainability Committee
     8.8.1 Chairman                   99.89%         0.11%       0.04% 1 365 623 791     81.49%

     8.8.2 Members                     99.91%       0.09%        0.04% 1 365 623 791     81.49%

     8.9 Information Technology Committee
     8.9.1 Chairman                99.91%           0.09%        0.04% 1 365 623 791     81.49%

     8.9.2 Members                     99.91%       0.09%        0.04% 1 365 623 791     81.49%

     8.10 Model Approval Committee
     8.10.1 Chairman               99.91%           0.09%        0.04% 1 365 623 589     81.49%

     8.10.2 Members                    99.91%       0.09%        0.04% 1 365 623 589     81.49%

     8.11 Large Exposure Credit Committee
     Members                       99.91%           0.09%        0.04% 1 365 623 589     81.49%

     8.12 Ad Hoc Committee
     Members                           99.43%       0.57%        0.05% 1 365 424 409     81.48%

9.    Special Resolution – General authority to acquire the Company's ordinary shares

                                                                                            % of
               For (%)             Against (%)    Abstain (%)*             Total Votes    Issued
               99.48%                   0.52%           0.05%           1 365 497 288    81.48%

10. Special Resolution – General authority to acquire the Company's non-redeemable preference

     Total Ordinary Shares voted
                                                                                            % of
               For (%)             Against (%)    Abstain (%)*             Total Votes    Issued
                99.88%                 0.12%            0.05%           1 365 476 408    81.48%
     Total Preference Shares voted
                                                                                                          % of
               For (%)            Against (%)         Abstain (%)*                Total Votes           Issued
             100.00%                   0.00%                0.01%                 10 866 596           20.51%

 In regard to resolution 10 (special resolution), the holders of Preference Shares were entitled to vote.

 11. Special Resolution – Loans or other financial assistance to related or inter-related companies

                                                                                                          % of
               For (%)            Against (%)         Abstain (%)*                Total Votes           Issued
               99.29%                  0.71%                0.04%              1 365 675 369           81.49%

* Based on the total number of shares in issue.

Retirement of Directors

In compliance with paragraph 3.59 of the Listings Requirements of the JSE Limited and as previously
announced on SENS on 18 April 2024, Standard Bank Group confirms that Dr Xueqing Guan and Atedo
Peterside retired as directors at the close of the company's Annual General Meeting held today, Monday,
10 June 2024. The board extends its sincere gratitude to Dr Xueqing Guan and Atedo Peterside for their
exemplary leadership and immense contribution during their tenure on the board and board committees they
served on.

Dr Xueqing Guan and Atedo Peterside also retired from the board of The Standard Bank of South Africa
Limited at the close of its AGM on 23 May 2024.

10 June 2024

JSE sponsor
The Standard Bank of South Africa Limited

Namibian sponsor
Simonis Storm Securities (Proprietary) Limited

Date: 10-06-2024 04:51:00
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