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Results of Annual General Meeting and update on CEO succession planning
(Registration number 1996/008242/06)
JSE ordinary share code: NTC
ISIN: ZAE000011953
JSE preference share code: NTCP
ISIN: ZAE000081121
Shareholders are advised that the voting results of the virtual annual general meeting of Netcare ("AGM") held
on Friday, 7 February 2025, were as follows:
Resolutions Number of Percentage For** Against** Abstained***
shares voted of shares % % %
in issue*
Ordinary resolution number 1
Re-election and election of
Ordinary resolution number 1.1 1 005 547 997 70,94% 94,93% 5,07% 0,68%
B Bulo
Ordinary resolution number 1.2 1 005 659 503 70,94% 97,73% 2,27% 0,67%
L Human
Ordinary resolution number 1.3 1 005 659 503 70,94% 92,13% 7,87% 0,67%
I Kirk
Ordinary resolution number 2 1 015 022 158 71,60% 97,57% 2,43% 0,01%
Re-appointment of independent
external auditors
Ordinary resolution number 3
Appointment of Audit
Committee members
Ordinary resolution number 3.1 1 005 659 503 70,94% 72,42% 27,58% 0,67%
B Bulo (Chair)
Ordinary resolution number 3.2 1 005 659 503 70,94% 94,22% 5,78% 0,67%
I Kirk
Ordinary resolution number 3.3 1 005 659 503 70,94% 99,98% 0,02% 0,67%
L Stephens
Ordinary resolution number 4 1 015 022 158 71,60% 98,61% 1,39% 0,01%
Signature of documents
Non-binding resolution 1 014 998 919 71,60% 91,00% 9,00% 0,01%
number 1
Approval of the remuneration
Non-binding resolution 1 014 998 919 71,60% 95,83% 4,17% 0,01%
number 2
Approval of the implementation
Special resolution number 1 1 014 999 030 71,60% 100,00% 0,00% 0,01%
General authority to repurchase
Special resolution number 2 1 015 022 158 71,60% 98,59% 1,41% 0,01%
Approval of non-executive
directors' remuneration for the
period 1 October 2023 to
30 September 2025
Special resolution number 3 1 015 022 158 71,60% 93,96% 6,04% 0,01%
Financial assistance to related
and inter-related companies in
terms of Sections 44 and 45 of
the Companies Act
* Based on 1 417 549 301 ordinary shares in issue as at the date of the AGM.
** In relation to the total number of ordinary shares voted at the AGM.
*** In relation to the total number of ordinary shares in issue as at the date of the AGM.
Based on the above voting results, all resolutions were passed by the requisite majority of Netcare
shareholders represented at the AGM.
Shareholders are further advised that, with regard to the CEO succession, the selected candidate recently informed
the Netcare board (the "Board") that certain unforeseen contractual obligations will not make it possible to assume
the role of Netcare CEO within the agreed timeframe. In light of this, Dr. Friedland has accepted the Board's request
to continue serving as the Group CEO until the end of September 2026. In the interim, the Board remains committed
to the CEO succession planning process and will continue working towards identifying a suitable candidate to ensure
a smooth and strategic transition.
7 February 2025
Nedbank Corporate and Investment Banking, a division of Nedbank Limited
Date: 07-02-2025 12:23:00
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