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HARMONY GOLD MINING COMPANY LIMITED - Dealing in securities by Directors and Prescribed Officers

Release Date: 25/09/2024 17:30
Code(s): HAR     PDF:  
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Dealing in securities by Directors and Prescribed Officers

Harmony Gold Mining Company Ltd
Registration number: 1950/038232/06
Incorporated in the Republic of South Africa
ISIN: ZAE000015228
JSE share code: HAR
("Harmony" or the "company")


Johannesburg, Wednesday, 25 September 2024. In compliance with
paragraphs 3.63 to 3.74 of the JSE Listings Requirements, the
following dealings in securities by directors and prescribed officers
of Harmony in relation to the vesting and settlement of deferred share
awards made pursuant to the provisions of the Harmony Deferred Share
Plan 2018 are disclosed:

1.   Name of director:           PW Steenkamp
     Designation:                Chief Executive Officer

     Nature of transaction:      Vesting of deferred share awards and
                                 settlement by on-market sale of
                                 shares, in terms of the Harmony
                                 Deferred Share Plan 2018
     Vesting Date:               18 September 2024

     Class of securities:        Ordinary shares

     Number   of ordinary        183 974
     shares   vested:
     Number   of ordinary        65 134
     shares   retained:

     Date of transaction:        19 September 2024

     Number of vested shares     103 936
     Highest price per share:    R178.32
     Lowest price per share:     R173.86
     Volume weighted average     R175.04
     price per share:
     Total value of shares:      R18,192,437.76

     Date of transaction         20 September 2024
     Number of vested shares     14 904
     Highest price per share:    R179.66
     Lowest price per share:     R176.83
     Volume weighted average R177.32
     Total value of shares:  R2,642,762.38

     Nature and extent of       Direct beneficial
     director's interest:

2.   Name of director:          BP Lekubo

     Designation:               Financial Director
     Nature of transaction:     Vesting of deferred share awards and
                                settlement by on-market sale of
                                shares, in terms of the Harmony
                                Deferred Share Plan 2018
     Vesting Date:              18 September 2024
     Class of securities:       Ordinary shares

     Number   of ordinary       68 135
     shares   vested:
     Number   of ordinary       34 067
     shares   retained:

     Date of transaction:       19 September 2024
     Number of vested shares    24 906
     Highest price per share:   R178.32
     Lowest price per share:    R173.86
     Volume weighted average    R175.04
     price per share:
     Total value of shares:     R4,359,421.71

     Date of transaction:       20 September 2024
     Number of vested shares    9 162
     Highest price per share:   R179.66
     Lowest price per share:    R176.83
     Volume weighted average    R177.32
     Total value of shares:     R1,624,596.68

     Nature and extent of       Direct beneficial
     director's interest:
3.   Name of director:          HE Mashego
     Designation:               Executive Director
     Nature of transaction:     Vesting of deferred share awards and
                                settlement by on-market sale of
                                shares, in terms of the Harmony
                                Deferred Share Plan 2018
     Vesting Date:              18 September 2024
     Class of securities:       Ordinary shares

     Number   of ordinary       61 111
     shares   vested:
     Number   of ordinary       31,111
     shares   retained:

     Date of transaction:       19 September 2024
     Number of vested shares    22 812
     Highest price per share:   R178.32

     Lowest price per share:    R173.86

     Volume weighted average    R175.04
     price per share:
     Total value of shares:     R3,992,898.42

     Date of transaction:       20 September 2024

     Number of vested shares    7 188
     Highest price per share:   R179.66
     Lowest price per share:    R176.83
     Volume weighted average    R177.32
     Total value of shares:     R1,274,568.97

     Nature and extent of       Direct beneficial
     prescribed officer's
4.   Name of prescribed          B Nel
     Designation:                Group Chief Operating Officer

     Nature of transaction:      Vesting of deferred share awards and
                                 settlement by on-market sale of
                                 shares, in terms of the Harmony
                                 Deferred Share Plan 2018
     Vesting Date:               18 September 2024

     Class of securities:        Ordinary shares

     Number of ordinary shares   64 328

     Number of ordinary shares   32 163

     Date of transaction:        19 September 2024
     Number of vested shares     25 072
     Highest price per share:    R178.32
     Lowest price per share:     R173.86
     Volume weighted average     R175.04
     price per share:
     Total value of shares:      R4,388,477.52

     Date of transaction:        20 September 2024
     Number of vested shares     7 093
     Highest price per share:    R179.66
     Lowest price per share:     R176.83
     Volume weighted average     R177.32
     Total value of shares:      R1,257,723.67

     Nature and extent of        Direct beneficial
     prescribed officer's
5.   Name of prescribed         M van der Walt
     Designation:               Chief Corporate Officer
     Nature of transaction:     Vesting of deferred share awards and
                                settlement by on-market sale of
                                shares, in terms of the Harmony
                                Deferred Share Plan 2018
     Vesting Date:              18 September 2024
     Class of securities:       Ordinary shares

     Number of ordinary shares 42 032
     Number of ordinary shares 21 015

     Date of transaction:       19 September 2024
     Number of vested shares    14 826
     Highest price per share:   R178.32
     Lowest price per share:    R173.86
     Volume weighted average    R175.04
     price per share:
     Total value of shares:     R2,595,068.91

     Date of transaction:       20 September 2024
     Number of vested shares    6 191
     Highest price per share:   R179.66
     Lowest price per share:    R176.83
     Volume weighted average    R177.32
     Total value of shares:     R1,097,781.93

     Nature and extent of       Direct beneficial
     prescribed officer's

6.   Name of prescribed         J van Heerden
     Designation:               Chief Development Officer
     Nature of transaction:     Vesting of deferred share awards and
                                settlement by on-market sale of
                                shares, in terms of the Harmony
                                Deferred Share Plan 2018
     Vesting Date:              18 September 2024
     Class of securities:       Ordinary shares

     Number of ordinary         76 744
     shares vested:

     Number of ordinary         38 371
     shares retained:
     Date of transaction        19 September 2024
     Number of vested shares    30 483
     Highest price per share:   R178.32
     Lowest price per share:    R173.86
     Volume weighted average    R175.04
     price per share:
     Total value of shares:     R5,335,591.91

     Date of transaction:       20 September 2024
     Number of vested shares    7 890
     Highest price per share:   R179.66
     Lowest price per share:    R176.83
     Volume weighted average    R177.32
     Total value of shares:     R1,399,046.91

     Nature and extent of       Direct beneficial
     prescribed officer's

7.   Name of prescribed         A Buthelezi
     Designation:               Chief People Officer
     Nature of transaction:     Vesting of deferred share awards and
                                settlement by on-market sale of
                                shares, in terms of the Harmony
                                Deferred Share Plan 2018
     Vesting Date:              18 September 2024
     Class of securities:       Ordinary shares

     Number of ordinary shares 41 890
     Number of ordinary shares 14 544

     Date of transaction:       19 September 2024
     Number of vested shares    24 442
     Highest price per share:    R178.32
     Lowest price per share:     R173.86
     Volume weighted average     R175.04
     price per share:
     Total value of shares:      R4,278,205.47

     Date of transaction:     20 September 2024
     Number of vested shares 2 904
     Highest price per share: R179.66
     Lowest price per share:     R176.83
     Volume   weighted   average R177.32

     Total value of shares:      R514,934.38

     Nature and extent of        Direct beneficial
     prescribed officer's

8.   Name of company             SS Mohatla
     Designation:                Group Company Secretary
     Nature of transaction:      Vesting of deferred share awards and
                                 settlement by on-market sale of
                                 shares, in terms of the Harmony
                                 Deferred Share Plan 2018
     Vesting Date:               18 September 2024

     Class of securities:        Ordinary shares

     Number of ordinary shares 25 190

     Date of transaction         19 September 2024
     Number of vested shares     14 041
     Highest price per share:    R178.32
     Lowest price per share:     R173.86
     Volume weighted average     R175.04
     price per share
     Total value of shares:      R2,457,666.44
        Date of transaction:       20 September 2024
        Number of vested shares    11 149
        Highest price per share:   R179.66
        Lowest price per share:    R176.83
        Volume weighted average    R177.32
        Total value of shares:     R1,976,929.53

        Nature and extent of       Direct beneficial
        company secretary's

Prior clearance was obtained in respect of the above dealings in
securities in compliance with paragraph 3.66 of the JSE Listings


For more details contact:

Jared Coetzer
Head of Investor Relations
+27 (0) 82 746 4120

Johannesburg, South Africa
25 September 2024

J.P. Morgan Equities South Africa Proprietary Limited

Date: 25-09-2024 05:30:00
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