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AFRIMAT:  6,467   -71 (-1.09%)  15/01/2025 12:49

AFRIMAT LIMITED - Completion of integration officer role and permanent appointment of deputy chief financial officer

Release Date: 15/01/2025 09:18
Code(s): AFT     PDF:  
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Completion of integration officer role and permanent appointment of deputy chief financial officer

Incorporated in the Republic of South Africa
(Registration number: 2006/022534/06)
Share code: AFT
ISIN: ZAE000086302
("Afrimat" or "the Company")


Afrimat shareholders are referred to the SENS announcement released on 31 August 2023
whereby Mr Pieter de Wit, was appointed as the integration officer for purposes of the Lafarge
South Africa Holdings Proprietary Limited transaction ("Lafarge Transaction") and Mr Andre
Smith was appointed as deputy CFO over this interim period.

Following the successful integration of the Lafarge Transaction, Afrimat is pleased to
announce the completion of the integration officer role by Mr. de Wit, who will now reassume
all responsibilities as CFO of the Company, effective immediately.

The Board also wishes to thank Mr. Smith for his exceptional leadership and dedication while
serving as interim CFO during this critical period. In recognition of his contributions and
capabilities, Mr. Smith has been appointed as the permanent Deputy CFO of the Company,
also effective immediately.

Cape Town
15 January 2025

Valeo Capital (Pty) Ltd

Date: 15-01-2025 09:18:00
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