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BURSTONE GROUP LIMITED - Strategic Partnership with Blackstone Inc. In Europe, Update on Activities and Withdrawal of Cautionary Announcement

Release Date: 02/09/2024 13:40
Wrap Text
Strategic Partnership with Blackstone Inc. In Europe, Update on Activities and Withdrawal of Cautionary Announcement

Burstone Group Limited
(Previously Investec Property Fund Limited)
Approved as a REIT by the JSE
(Incorporated in the Republic of South Africa)
(Registration number 2008/011366/06)
Share code: BTN ISIN: ZAE000180915
Bond Code: BTNI
("Burstone" or "the Group")



      Key highlights include:

      -    Strategic partnership with funds managed by affiliates of Blackstone Inc. (Blackstone) on the
           Group's Pan-European Logistics (PEL) portfolio (PEL Portfolio) launching Burstone's European
           funds and asset management strategy (further detail provided in part B of this announcement). The
           strategic partnership will look to further aggregate industrial and logistics properties across
           Burstone's core European markets.

            o   Burstone retains a 20% co-investment in PEL and asset management of the PEL Portfolio

            o   €1,022 million headline price for PEL, representing a 5.6% net initial asset yield

                     i.   3.1% discount to financial year 2024 (FY24) gross asset value (GAV)

                     ii. 11.7% discount to FY24 net asset value (NAV)

            o   circa €250 million of immediate cash proceeds to Burstone

            o   Significant reduction in Group loan-to-value (LTV) by 12.5% to circa 33.5%, providing
                headroom to support the Group's strategic initiatives

            o   Look through gearing reduces from 58% to circa 41%

            o   Positive earnings impact in the short-term of 1.3% based on historic FY24 distributable

            o   Enhanced impact in medium term as future impact of higher interest rates is negated through
                lower leverage

            o   Significant benefits through operational leverage as platform is scaled

            o   Burstone will increase its dividend payout ratio from 75% to between 85% to 90% with effect
                from its interim reporting period i.e.1H25

      -    The Group is accelerating the expansion of its fund and investment management strategy across
           all regions in which it operates:

            o   Australia: The Irongate Group joint venture (Irongate JV) has concluded a new industrial joint
                venture backed by a leading global alternative asset management firm, increasing Irongate's
                equity assets under management (AUM) from A$490 million to circa A$600 million post
                implementation of initial acquisitions, reflecting an increase of 32% since acquisition:
                      -   An initial soft commitment of A$200 million of equity has been earmarked with the
                          aim to upsize upon successful deployment

                            -   Burstone, through the Irongate JV, will have a minority co-investment in the
                                new joint venture and the Irongate JV will provide the investment and asset
                                management functions

                            -   Initial portfolio of industrial and logistics assets located in Queensland - total
                                purchase consideration of circa A$140 million and equity commitment from
                                the new joint venture of circa A$80 million

                            -   Attractive return profile with core plus and value-add target returns; additional
                                upside through investment management and asset management

                            -   The Irongate JV have identified an attractive pipeline of opportunities to
                                deploy the initial commitment

            o   Europe: Burstone is currently in exclusive negotiations with regards to a 25% co-investment
                and ongoing management of €170 million in respect of a German light industrial and last mile
                logistics platform

                      -   This will replicate a successful light industrial track record and is expected to be
                          earnings accretive if concluded in Q3/Q4 2024

            o   South Africa: Burstone is in exclusive negotiations with cornerstone investors to build its "SA
                Core plus platform"

                      -   This will utilise a portion of South African assets to seed the platform and is expected
                          to be executed over the next 6 to 12 months

      -    Post the successful implementation of the abovementioned transactions, Burstone's total direct and
           indirect GAV will be circa R42 billion, of which 54% is third party AUM

            o   Third party AUM increases almost 5x from R4.7 billion to circa R23.0 billion

            o   Fund and asset management revenues are expected to more than double over the next 12 to
                24 months

      Expanding the Group's fund and investment management model offers multiple benefits for Burstone,
      particularly the ability to achieve enhanced integrated real estate returns. This approach combines
      traditional real estate asset yields with additional upside from operating a funds, investment, and asset
      management model, where the Group can earn management, leasing, and acquisition fees, as well as
      potentially generate performance fees through outperformance.

      This hybrid model of traditional real estate investment, stapled with expertise across fund management,
      investment management, asset management and development management supports the Group's
      strategy of delivering enhanced returns on capital deployed and maximising operational leverage from
      its scalable platform.



1.1       With reference to the previous cautionary announcements, the last of which was published on SENS
          on 26 August 2024, Burstone is pleased to announce that it has reached agreement with Blackstone,
          subject to fulfilment of the condition set out in paragraph 5 below (Condition), to dispose of its
          majority stake in the PEL Portfolio to Safari Bidco S.À R.L by way of a disposal of its shares in
          Hexagon Holdco S.À R.L (Hexagon Holdco), whilst retaining a 20% minority stake and continuing
          to manage the PEL Portfolio, resulting in the acquisition by Blackstone of an 80% stake in the PEL
          Portfolio from Burstone and ED Trust INL Investments I Proprietary Limited (EDT) (the Proposed

1.2       Hexagon Holdco is a private limited liability company incorporated and existing under the laws of the
          Grand Duchy of Luxembourg, which together with Hexagon Holdco 2 S.À.R.L (Hexagon Holdco 2)
          holds the PEL Portfolio. The shareholders of Hexagon Holdco and Hexagon Holdco 2 respectively
          are, Burstone Luxembourg Investments Holdings S.À R.L (Burstone Lux 1) (a wholly-owned
          subsidiary of Burstone) (circa 19%), Burstone Lux 2 S.À R.L (Burstone Lux 21) (a subsidiary of
          Burstone) (circa 75%) and EDT (circa 6%). EDT is an active vehicle, run and managed by an
          experienced team with significant investment experience and track record. It is wholly owned by the
          Entrepreneurship Development Trust a charitable BEE investor that is focused on supporting
          entrepreneurial activity and delivering educational enrichment to previously disadvantaged South
          Africans in order to contribute and make a lasting impact to South Africa's economy. EDT is
          independent of Burstone and is not a related party of Burstone.

1.3       Safari Bidco S.À R.L (Safari Bidco), Safari Midco S.À R.L (Safari Midco) and Safari Topco S.À R.L
          (Safari Topco) are private limited liability companies (société à responsabilité limitée) incorporated
          and existing under the laws of the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg, and each entity was incorporated
          for the purpose of the Proposed Transaction and is an entity owned indirectly by investment funds
          advised by Blackstone. Blackstone is incorporated in the State of Delaware, United States of America
          and is listed on the New York Stock Exchange. Further information is available at

1 The shareholders of Burstone Lux 2 are Burstone (87%), Pan-European Logistics Mauritius (12%) and Paul Rodger
(1%). Burstone has given PELM an option to reinvest its interest in Burstone Lux to Safari Bidco (defined below) behind


2.1       Burstone's strategic objectives for the short-to-medium-term include the following five key pillars,
          each of which are essential to drive long-term success and value creation as an integrated
          international real estate investor and fund and asset manager:

2.1.1         International integration;

2.1.2         optimise current portfolios;

2.1.3         maintain a robust balance sheet;

2.1.4         growth; and

2.1.5         holistic sustainability.

2.2       The Proposed Transaction accelerates Burstone's European funds and asset management strategy
          in line with the Group's strategic objectives, creating an opportunity for Burstone to further expand its
          fund and investment management strategies. The Group is well positioned to execute this strategy,
          underpinned by management teams who have a successful track record of aggregating and realising
          value for multiple third-party capital investors.

2.3       The partnership with Blackstone offers significant strategic benefits, aligning best-in-class capital with
          Burstone's strategic direction and unlocking scalability and growth potential for the Group's fund and
          investment management business. Additionally, enhanced access to capital and resources will drive
          operational efficiencies and boost profit margins. It also facilitates easier market expansion,
          leveraging relationships and buying power for services such as market data and competitor analysis.
          Additionally, it increases diversification across core markets and tenant mixes while deepening the
          strong relationship with Blackstone, building on a proven track record of successful collaborations.

2.4      The Proposed Transaction offers several financial benefits:

2.4.1        Deleveraging: It significantly reduces gearing by approximately 12.5%, bringing it down to 33.5%,
             with a look-through gearing reduction from 58% to c.41%.

2.4.2        Earnings Accretion: The transaction is earnings accretive, with a 1.3% positive impact if using
             FY24 distributable earnings as the base. This is due to higher management fees and interest
             savings from reduced leverage, which offset the net loss from the reduced investment in PEL.

2.4.3        Earnings Stability: It stabilizes future earnings by neutralizing the expected increase in Group
             interest costs. The lower leverage also reduces the need to refinance existing hedges, which
             would otherwise reset at higher costs in the current interest rate environment.


3.1       The net proceeds of circa €250 million (circa R5 billion) arising from the Proposed Transaction for
          the sale of 63.15% (of its 83.15%) will be used in line with Burstone's strategic objectives with a focus

3.1.1        de-levering by circa R4 billion resulting in a decrease in LTV of approximately 12.5%, thereby
             improving and maintaining a robust balance sheet in the process;

3.1.2        capitalising on potential future growth opportunities across the Group's core regions and
             strategies (with circa R860 million for near term commitments into the Group's Australian and
             German platforms which are anticipated to generate high single digit cash on cash returns and
             high teen leveraged IRRs);

3.1.3        supporting further growth in the PEL platform over time; and

3.1.4        increasing the dividend payout ratio from currently 75% to between 85% to 90% with effect from
             the Group's interim reporting period (i.e. 1H25).

3.2       The combination of a stronger balance sheet and financial headroom to capitalise on potential future
          growth opportunities is key to delivering shareholder value and short-to-medium-term growth across
          the Group's core regions and strategies.

3.3       Effective capital optimisation remains a key strategic imperative and investment opportunities will be
          considered in line with the Group's capital allocation framework and overall leverage. The Group will
          seek to target a longer-term leverage ratio below 35% with a medium-term LTV between 34% to

3.4       The Group will continue to assess several opportunities to fund its growth strategy and decrease
          reliance on its balance sheet including continued asset recycling; the development of its South
          African fund management strategy and the introduction of LP capital partners to co-invest alongside

3.5       The Group will ensure that it deploys/recycles capital into the best international/local opportunities
          that will support its longer-term strategic plan and continue to create shareholder value.


4.1       The Proposed Transaction will be implemented in terms of the signed sale and purchase of shares
          agreement (Sale Agreement) and several ancillary agreements which the parties have in good faith
          on a reasonable endeavours basis undertaken to agree the form as soon as reasonably practicable,
          and in the case of the Shareholders Agreement and the Management Agreement by no later than 10
          September 2024 (collectively referred to as the "Transaction Agreements"), and essentially –

4.1.1        the Sale Agreement entails that Safari Bidco will acquire 100% of the issued share capital of
             Hexagon Holdco from Burstone Lux 1, Burstone Lux 2 and the remaining minority shareholder,
             EDT, while Burstone Lux 2 obtains a 20% interest in Safari Midco;

4.1.2        the terms of the First-loss Protection Agreement address valuation differences between Burstone
             and Blackstone in respect of certain properties in the PEL Portfolio;

4.1.3        the Management Agreement governs the terms on which a subsidiary of Burstone will provide
             operational management services in respect of the PEL Portfolio for consideration, for an agreed
             initial period and subject to automatic continuation thereafter;

4.1.4        the Shareholders Agreement confers customary rights to Safari Topco and Burstone Lux 2
             respectively as 80:20 shareholders in Safari Midco, through which Burstone will retain a 20%
             effective stake in the PEL Portfolio; and

4.1.5        the Manco Call Option Deed entails that Blackstone will be entitled to internalise Burstone's
             interests in the subsidiary of Burstone providing the management services under the Management
             Agreement, but after the expiry of the initial period and at value for Burstone.

4.2       Sale Agreement

4.2.1        Subject to the Condition being fulfilled and with effect from Closing, Burstone will effectively
             reduce its interest in the PEL Portfolio to 20%, by Burstone Lux 1, Burstone Lux 2 (the Burstone
             Sellers) and EDT (collectively, the Sellers) selling their shares held in Hexagon Holdco (the Sale
             Shares) to Safari Bidco, and all outstanding loans, financing liabilities or obligations between the
             Sellers and Hexagon Holdco and its subsidiaries (the Target Companies) will be settled in
             accordance with the terms of the Sale Agreement (Sale).

4.2.2        Consideration and Payment         The consideration for the Sale Shares is an amount equal to the final net asset value of the
                Target Companies and will be allocated 6% to EDT, 19% to Burstone Lux 1, and 75% to
                Burstone Lux 2.         On Closing, Safari Bidco will settle the estimated net asset value by (i) instructing the payment
                of the deposit €76,650 million to the Sellers in cash, (ii) issuing unsecured loan notes to
                Burstone Lux 2 (Consideration Loan Notes), (iii) paying an amount equal to €28 million in
                cash (which will be held in escrow in terms of the agreed period under the First-Loss Protection
                Agreement (First-loss Cash Security Amount), unless Burstone Lux 2 furnishes Safari Bidco
                with a bank guarantee for the same amount (First-loss Bank Guarantee)), and (iv) paying
                the Sellers an amount equal to the balance.         If there is any difference between the estimated net asset value and the final net asset value,
                a true-up payment will be made by the relevant party within an agreed period after the
                finalisation of the aggregated balance sheet of the Target Companies.         Burstone Lux 2 will assign to Safari Midco (i) the Consideration Loan Notes for a 20% interest
                in Safari Midco, and (ii) a portion of the loan debt owed to it by the Target Companies for an
                interest-bearing shareholder loan, resulting in Burstone retaining a 20% effective stake in the
                PEL Portfolio.

4.2.3            Closing             The Burstone Sellers will notify Safari Bidco in writing after the Condition is satisfied
                    (Condition Satisfaction Notice).             Unless otherwise agreed between the parties, closing will take place on the later of the last
                    business day of the month in which the Condition Satisfaction Notice is given, and the date
                    that is the tenth business day after the Condition Satisfaction Notice is given (Closing).             The Sale will take effect from completion of Closing in accordance with the provisions of the
                    Sale Agreement (Effective Date).             If any of the documents (including each of the other Transaction Agreements) required by the
                    Sale Agreement to be in agreed form is not in agreed form by the business day preceding
                    Closing, either of the Burstone Sellers or the Safari Bidco may terminate the Sale Agreement
                    without liability except for in the case of breach.

4.2.4            Warranties & W&I Insurance             The Sale Agreement will be subject to the warranties given by the Burstone Sellers (in the
                    case of EDT, the fundamental warranties only), the majority of which will be covered by
                    warranty and indemnity insurance (save for those which are deemed low risk and uninsurable)
                    which Safari Bidco has or intends to secure, and which are generally consistent with
                    commercial practice for transactions of this nature. The aggregate liability of the Sellers in
                    respect of all claims other than certain specific tax claims, and specific indemnity claims will
                    not exceed €1.00.             Burstone Offshore Proprietary Limited will on Closing provide a guarantee in favour of Safari
                    Bidco to secure Burstone Sellers' payment obligations arising from any potential specific
                    indemnity claim, or failing the provision of such guarantee, the Burstone Sellers will grant Safari
                    Bidco a share pledge over Burstone Lux 2's shares in Safari Midco.

4.3           First-loss Protection Agreement

4.3.1           For purposes of the Proposed Transaction, Burstone considers the market values of certain of
                the properties in the PEL Portfolio to be higher than the value attributed by Blackstone. The
                Proposed Transaction will be concluded on the basis of the values attributed by Burstone.

4.3.2           The First-loss Protection Agreement addresses the difference in valuation, with Burstone covering
                its potential future loss of up to circa €60 million, while having the right to market and manage the
                sale of the relevant properties to avoid or reduce its potential future loss within an agreed period.

4.3.3           As security for its obligations under the First-loss Protection Agreement, the First-loss Cash
                Security Amount will be retained in escrow or Burstone will furnish the First-loss Bank Guarantee
                for the duration of the security period, and where the First-loss Cash Security Amount or First-loss
                Bank Guarantee (€28 million) is insufficient to meet Burstone's security obligations, Blackstone
                will have the option to purchase a proportion of Burstone's interests in Safari Midco equal to the
                lower of the remainder owing under its security obligations and €32 million (First-loss Share
                Security Amount). Burstone is in advanced discussions on the sale of several of these properties
                and expects to de-risk in the near-term.
4.4       Management Agreement

4.4.1       The Management Agreement will commence on Closing and continue for an agreed initial term,
            whereafter it will continue automatically indefinitely unless terminated by either party. A make-
            whole fee will be payable to Burstone in certain circumstances, inter alia, where the other party
            terminates without cause or Burstone terminates for unremedied material breach or default by the
            other party.

4.4.2       In terms of the agreement, a subsidiary of Burstone (the Manager) will provide operational
            management services in respect of the real estate and other assets in the PEL Portfolio, including
            the monitoring and oversight of property managers and the day-to-day management of the
            business and operations of the assets and providing support in respect of corporate matters.

4.4.3       As consideration for the services, Blackstone will pay market-related asset management fees to
            the Manager made up of inter alia management fees, development management fees and
            investment opportunity fees.

4.4.4       As per the Shareholders Agreement, Burstone will not be restricted from providing operational,
            asset or property management services in respect of other real estate assets.

4.5       Manco Call Option Deed

4.5.1       Burstone will grant to Safari Topco the option to purchase from Burstone UK all shares and
            interests held in the Manager (the Manco Interests).

4.5.2       The option will only be exercisable for a limited agreed period commencing from the date
            immediately after the expiry of the initial term under the Management Agreement.

4.5.3       The consideration payable for the Manco Interests, if the call option were to be exercised, will be
            determined in accordance with a pre-agreed formula, calculated at the time of exercise.

4.5.4       If at the time of exercising the call option, such exercise would constitute –        a Category 1 transaction for Burstone, it will be subject to shareholder approval being obtained;
               or        a Category 2 transaction for Burstone, an announcement will be published.

4.6       Shareholders Agreement

4.6.1       Safari Topco will hold an 80% interest in Safari Midco, and Burstone Lux 2 will hold the remaining
            20% interest. In addition, Burstone Lux 2 will hold promote share(s) which will entitle it to the
            amount distributable as a promote in respect of each investment held by Safari Midco in
            accordance with the agreed distribution waterfall.

4.6.2       The Shareholders Agreement will confer customary rights on Safari Topco (as majority
            shareholder) and Burstone Lux 2 (as a minority shareholder), and will make provision for terms
            and mechanisms in respect of equity and debt funding, pre-emptive rights, drag-along and tag-
            along rights, distributions, liquidity, and governance.

4.6.3       The management, control and operation of Safari Midco will vest in its board of managers which
            Safari Topco will be entitled to nominate. Certain reserved matters to be agreed by parties will not
            be carried out by Safari Midco without Burstone Lux 2's prior consent.


5.1         Closing of the Sale Agreement is conditional on an ordinary resolution having been passed at a
            General Meeting of Burstone, in accordance with paragraph 9.20(b) of the Listing Requirements, as
            set out in the notice to convene a general meeting of the shareholders of Burstone Group Limited
            contained in the Circular (Condition).

5.2         Unless the parties agree otherwise, the Condition must be satisfied by 120 days after the date of
            signature of the Sale Agreement.


      The PEL Portfolio is valued in aggregate at €1,055,051,000 as at 1 June 2024 and comprises 32 logistics
      properties located in seven jurisdictions across Europe, including the core countries of Germany, France
      and the Netherlands where the majority of the portfolio is situated.

      Robust occupier demand and take-up, coupled with limited new supply in core markets ensure a pivotal
      role for strategically located assets in the continent's economic landscape. With a tenant base operating
      in diverse industries ranging from manufacturing and 3PL logistics to technology and innovation, the PEL
      portfolio offers a wide array of properties to cater to the evolving needs of every business.

      The property specific information required in terms of the Listings Requirements of the JSE Limited (JSE)
      (Listings Requirements) in respect of the PEL Portfolio is set out below:

                                                                                         Weighted        Valuation as
      No.        Property Name                      Location                             Average          at 1 June
                                                                                          Rental             2024
                                                                                (m²)          (€/m²)               (€)
      1.       Hordijk               Rotterdam, Netherlands                  13,268             66.72      13,800,000

      2.       Wetzlar               Langgöns, Gießen, Germany               23,582             61.53      27,500,000

      3.       Hoppegarten           Mahlsdorf, Berlin, Germany              97,666              66.4     145,975,000
                                     Darmstadt, Frankfurt,
      4.       Frankfurt Airport                                             26,584            162.87      71,400,000
                                     Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes, Lyon,
      5.       Toussieu Park                                                 38,840             60.78      41,900,000
                                     Old Town in Mitte, Lower
      6.       Hanover                                                       24,471             10.29      18,325,000
                                     Saxony Land, Germany
                                     Île-de-France, Seine-et-Marne,
      7.       Saint-Fargeau                                                 20,426             46.77      17,800,000
                                     Seine-Maritime, Le Havre,
      8.       Rouen                                                          9,649             44.75      7,430,000
                                     Brittany région, Rennes,
      9.       Rennes                                                        19,158             49.13      14,500,000
      10.      Marseille Park                                                65,343             52.67      60,700,000
                                     Marseille, France
                                     Seine-Maritime, Le Havre,
      11.      Le Havre                                                      28,595             51.04      23,120,000
      12.      Combs la Ville        Combs la Ville, Paris, France           23,262             40.42      18,625,000
               Bourg-en-Bresse       Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes, Lyon,
      13.                                                                    35,000             51.96      27,500,000
               Park                  France
      14.      Belfort               Isère, Fontaine, France                 30,591             47.54      21,570,000
      15.      Carpiano              Milan, Italy                            76,405             59.52      69,700,000
      16.      Lodz Park             Central Poland, Poland                  19,422              59.2      13,325,000
                                        Centre région, Orléans,
      17.      Orléans                                                       20,509             43.82       16,575,000
       18.      Krakowska               Warsaw, Szyszkowa, Poland            11,046             63.55       11,550,000
                                        West-central Poland, River
       19.      Pozna? Park                                                  31,875             49.67       23,775,000
                                        Warta, Poland
                                        Maasvlakte, Rotterdam,
       20.      Maasvlakte Park                                              67,390             64.73       49,825,000
       21.      Bergen op Zoom          Bergen op Zoom, Netherlands          20,958             55.97       19,650,000
                                        Maaseik, Oudsbergen,
       22.      Oudsbergen Park                                              77,507             46.34       53,550,000
       23.      Tiel                    Tiel, Netherlands                    9,822                 0        9,400,000
       24.      Mönchengladbach                                              10,618             90.98       19,400,000
                                        Mönchengladbach, Germany
       25.      Dortmund                Ruhr, Dortmund, Germany              25,783             45.79       24,700,000
                                        Southeastern Netherlands,
       26.      Venlo                                                        25,704             49.77       22,050,000
                                        Venlo, Netherlands
                Logistics Court         Amsterdam, Schiphol,
       27.                                                                   17,377             151.01        34,600,000
                Schiphol                Netherlands
                                        Castile–La Mancha, Cuenca,
       28.      Tarancon Park                                               83,005               31.76       45,200,000
                                        Houthalen, Houthalen-
       29.      Houthalen                                                   26,995                49.1       20,390,000
                                        Helchteren, Belgium
       30.      Kölleda                 Thuringia, Kölleda, Germany         16,064               43.13       11,820,000
                                        Höhscheid, Solingen,
       31.      Solingen                                                     26,025               58.35       25,300,000
                                        Sochaczew Park, Olimpijska,
       32.      Sochaczew                                                   101,614               42.62       74,096,000
                Total                                                      1,124,555               54.56    1,055,051,000


      1.   The PEL Portfolio consists of 32 properties in the logistics sector.
      2.   Figures represent 100% ownership.
      3.   The difference between the valuation and the Consideration is due to the fact that the value attributed by the
           independent property valuer is an open market value while the Consideration is a negotiated value of Hexagon,
           being the entities that hold the PEL Portfolio.
      4.   The PEL Portfolio was valued by Graham MacMillan of CRBE Limited, an independent external registered
           professional valuer in terms of the Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors
      5.   The weighted average per square metre is at 1 June 2024.


       Hexagon's reported net value of assets and its loss after tax, as disclosed in its audited results for the
       year ended 31 December 2023, prepared in accordance with IFRS and audited by PwC Société
       cooperative, were €291million (R5 968 million) and €(30.5) million (R(686) million, respectively.

       The loss attributable to the net assets of Hexagon as at 31 December 2023 is per IFRS disclosure and
       is not a reflection of the distributions.


8.1       The Proposed Transaction constitutes a category 1 transaction in terms of paragraph 9.5(b) of the
          Listings Requirements and is accordingly subject to approval by Burstone shareholders by way of
          ordinary resolution.
8.2       It is expected that the circular (Circular) relating to the Proposed Transaction will be posted to
          Burstone Shareholders in September 2024 with the general meeting (General Meeting) to approve
         the resolutions relating to the Proposed Transaction to be held in October 2024.

8.3      The Circular will include, inter alia, the applicable disclosures required in terms of the Listings
         Requirements in respect of the Proposed Transaction, the salient dates and times and incorporate
         the Notice of General Meeting. A further announcement will be published in due course.


      Burstone has received in principle support from shareholders confirming their intention to vote in favour
      of the Proposed Transaction, including on behalf of their clients where they hold the requisite authority
      to do so, representing approximately 50.27% of the Burstone shares in issue.

      Andrew Wooler, Jenna Sprenger, Nicholas Riley and Moss Ngoasheng who collectively hold 7,256,642
      Burstone shares, representing 0.90% of the Burstone shares in issue, have provided Blackstone with
      irrevocable undertakings to vote in favour of the resolutions to approve the Proposed Transaction.


      Having regard to the information in this announcement, shareholders are advised that they no longer
      need to exercise caution when dealing in Burstone shares.


      A copy of the investor presentation will be made available on the Burstone website at:

      The Group will host an investor call at 15:00 SAST (14:00 BST). Participants can register for the
      conference call by navigating to:

      For further information please contact:
      Jenna Sprenger (CFO)

2 September 2024

Lead Financial Advisor and Transaction Sponsor to Burstone
Merrill Lynch South Africa (Pty) (Ltd) t/a BofA Securities

Joint Financial Advisor to Burstone
Investec Bank Limited

Legal Advisor to Burstone
Bryan Cave Leighton Paisner LLP
Cliffe Dekker Hofmeyr Inc.

Independent Reporting Accountants and Auditor to Burstone
PricewaterhouseCoopers Inc
Financial Advisors to Blackstone
Barclays Bank Ireland PLC
Standard Chartered Bank

Legal Advisors to Blackstone
Simpson Thacher & Bartlett LLP
Bowman Gilfillan Inc.

Date: 02-09-2024 01:40:00
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