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VODACOM GROUP LIMITED - Results of Annual General Meeting

Release Date: 17/07/2024 16:09
Code(s): VOD     PDF:  
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Results of Annual General Meeting

Vodacom Group Limited
(Incorporated in the Republic of South Africa)
(Registration number 1993/005461/06)
(Share code: VOD)
(JSE ISIN: ZAE000132577)
("Vodacom Group" or the "Company")

Results Of Annual General Meeting

Shareholders are advised that the voting results for the twenty-ninth annual general meeting ("AGM") of Vodacom Group
held at Vodacom World today, Wednesday, 17 July 2024, and by electronic participation via the electronic meeting
platform, were as follows:

 Resolution                           Number of         Ordinary           For**       Against**     Abstained***
                                       ordinary     shares voted               %               %                %
                                   shares voted             as a
                                                     of ordinary
                                                       shares in
 Ordinary resolution number 1:    1 934 528 215            93.10          100.00            0.00             0.03
 Adoption of audited annual
 financial statements

 Ordinary resolution number 2:    1 934 670 447            93.11           98.51            1.49             0.02
 Election of Mr JH Reiter as a

 Ordinary resolution number 3:    1 934 670 447            93.11           98.75            1.25             0.02
 Election of Mr GS Kamath as a

 Ordinary resolution number 4:    1 934 425 740            93.10           99.22            0.78             0.04
 Re-election of Mr SJ
 Macozoma as a director

 Ordinary resolution number 5:    1 934 670 447            93.11           99.09            0.91             0.02
 Re-election of Ms RK Morathi
 as a director

 Ordinary resolution number 6:    1 934 730 134            93.11          100.00            0.00             0.02
 Appointment of EY as auditors
 of the Company

 Ordinary resolution number 7:    1 934 719 028            93.11           99.18            0.82             0.02
 Approval of the advisory vote
 on the remuneration policy

 Ordinary resolution number 8:    1 934 587 818            93.11           99.15            0.85             0.03
 Approval for the advisory vote
 on the implementation of the
 remuneration policy

 Ordinary resolution number 9:    1 934 141 257            93.08           99.46            0.54             0.05
 Re-election of Mr CB Thomson
 as a member of the Audit, Risk
 and Compliance Committee

 Ordinary resolution number 10:   1 934 729 534            93.11           99.71            0.29             0.02
 Re-election of Mr KL
 Shuenyane as a member of
 the Audit, Risk and
 Compliance Committee

 Ordinary resolution number 11:   1 934 729 534            93.11           99.75            0.25             0.02
 Re-election of Ms NC Nqweni
 as a member of the Audit, Risk
 and Compliance Committee

 Special resolution number 1:     1 934 714 771            93.11           99.40            0.60             0.02
 General authority to
 repurchase ordinary shares in
 the Company

 Special resolution number 2:     1 934 693 927            93.11           99.85            0.15             0.02
 Increase in non-executive
 directors' fees

 Special resolution number 3:     1 934 705 149            93.11           99.54            0.46             0.02
 Section 44 - financial
 assistance in respect of

 Special resolution number 4:     1 934 705 149            93.11           99.66            0.34             0.02
 Section 45 - financial
 assistance to related and inter-
 related companies

*       Based on 2 077 841 204 ordinary shares in issue as at the date of the AGM.
**      In relation to the total number of ordinary shares voted at the AGM.
***     In relation to the total number of ordinary shares in issue as at the date of the AGM.

Based on the above voting results, all resolutions were passed by the requisite majority of shareholders represented at
the AGM.

17 July 2024

Nedbank Corporate and Investment Banking, a division of Nedbank Limited

Date: 17-07-2024 04:09:00
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