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TELKOM SA SOC LIMITED - Disposal of Telkoms Masts and Towers Business Housed in Swiftnet SOC Limited Results of General Meeting

Release Date: 24/05/2024 14:25
Code(s): TKG TL32 TL25 TL26 TL33 TL31 TL30 TL28 TL29     PDF:  
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Disposal of Telkom’s Masts and Towers Business Housed in Swiftnet SOC Limited – Results of General Meeting

(Incorporated in the Republic of South Africa)
(Registration number: 1991/005476/30)
Share code: TKG
JSE bond code: BITEL
ISIN: ZAE000044897
("Telkom" or the "Company")


1. Introduction

   1.1. Shareholders are referred to the circular distributed to Shareholders on 22 April 2024 (the "Circular"),
        which Circular included a notice convening the general meeting of Shareholders to approve the
        resolution required for implementation of the proposed disposal by Telkom of 100% of its shares in
        (and all or part of its claims against) its wholly-owned subsidiary Swiftnet SOC Limited (which houses
        its Masts and Towers business) to a purchasing consortium comprising: (i) an infrastructure fund
        known as Actis Ohio Fund managed by Actis; and (ii) an infrastructure vehicle 100% (one hundred
        percent) owned by Royal Bafokeng Holdings ("Disposal").

   1.2. Unless expressly defined in this announcement, capitalised terms herein have the same meaning
        given to them in the Circular.

2. Results of General Meeting

   2.1. Shareholders are hereby advised that pursuant to the General Meeting of Shareholders of Telkom
        held on Friday, 24 May 2024, the Ordinary Resolution required to implement the Disposal was
        approved by the requisite majority of votes. In this regard, Telkom confirms that the voting statistics
        from the General Meeting were as follows:

 Total number of Shares in issue                                                                 511 140 239

 Treasury shares and shares held by a plan, trust or scheme (excluded from                        24 486 180

 Total voteable Shares                                                                           486 654 059

 Resolution                     Votes carried as a         Number of         Shares               Shares
                             percentage of the total        Shares         voted as a        abstained as a
                            number of Shares voted           voted         percentage        percentage of
                             at the General Meeting                        of the total          the total
                                  For        Against                         issued           issued share
                                                                              share               capital
 Ordinary Resolution
 Number 1: Approval of
 the Disposal as a
 Category 1 transaction           100.00%        0.00%     422 529 875       82.66%                 0.00%
 in terms of the JSE
 Listings Requirements

3. Remaining Suspensive Conditions
   Shareholders should note that implementation of the Disposal remains subject to the fulfilment or waiver,
   if applicable, of other remaining Suspensive Conditions as set out in the Circular, including the regulatory
   approvals required from the South African Competition Authorities and ICASA. A further announcement
   will be released in accordance with the JSE Listings Requirements, regarding the fulfilment or waiver, if
   applicable, of the remaining Suspensive Conditions and implementation of the Disposal.

Friday, 24 May 2024

Nedbank Corporate and Investment Banking, a division of Nedbank Limited


Date: 24-05-2024 02:25:00
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