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BHP GROUP LIMITED - Quarterly Activities Report

Release Date: 17/07/2024 08:15
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Quarterly Activities Report

BHP Group Limited
BHP Group Limited ABN 49 004 028 077
Registered in Australia
Registered Office: Level 18, 171 Collins Street Melbourne VIC 3000
Share code: BHG

                                                              17 July 2024

Operational review for the year ended 30 June 2024

Strong operational performance with record iron ore production and highest
copper production in over 15 years.

"We finished the year with a strong fourth quarter, achieving several production
records and we are meeting current production and unit cost guidance for all

WAIO continued its strong performance, delivering a second consecutive year of
record production on the back of ongoing incremental improvements along its
supply chain as we progress toward our medium-term goal of increasing production
to greater than 305 Mtpa.

We achieved a strong performance across our copper business globally,
underpinned by the highest production in four years at Escondida and another
year of record production from Spence in Chile. Successful integration at Copper
South Australia has delivered additional production tonnes, and exceeded the
annualised synergies planned at the time of the OZL acquisition.

We successfully completed the sale of the Blackwater and Daunia metallurgical
coal operations on 2 April 2024. After a challenging year at BMA, we have plans
in place to increase production to between 43 and 45 Mtpa (100%) in the next
five years.

We continued to execute against our strategy, progressing growth options in the
commodities the world needs to meet the demands of the energy transition and
population growth. This includes our Jansen potash mine in Canada, where
construction of Stage 1 is now more than 50% complete and Stage 2 is underway.
We will see first production in 2026 and will be a major global producer of
potash by the end of the decade.

On 11 July we announced the temporary suspension of our Western Australia Nickel
operations from October 2024 as a result of an oversupply in the global nickel
market and protracted low nickel prices."

                                                                      Mike Henry
                                                     BHP Chief Executive Officer


Operational excellence                                            Financial performance

Record production at WAIO and Spence                              Strong prices in key commodities

FY24 production guidance achieved for all commodities, with       Average realised prices for copper and iron ore were higher in
metallurgical coal achieving the upper end of its revised         FY24, while metallurgical coal prices remained relatively stable, and
guidance.                                                         nickel and energy coal prices were lower.

Record production at WAIO, Spence, and Carrapateena and the       Unit cost guidance for FY24 is expected to be met at Escondida,
highest production in four years at Escondida.                    WAIO and Spence, and revised unit cost guidance is expected to
                                                                  be met at BMA.
Total copper production increased 9% and is expected to           
increase a further 4% in FY25./1/
Portfolio                                                         Decarbonisation

Executing our strategy                                            Progress on Scope 1, 2 and 3 emissions

We completed the divestment of Blackwater and Daunia, and         We held an investor roundtable to provide an update on our
commenced construction of Jansen Stage 2, with Jansen Stage 1     decarbonisation progress, including our collaborations to trial
now >50% complete. We also completed the scheduled ramp up of     battery electric haul trucks in the Pilbara and investigate a
both South Flank to full production capacity of 80 Mtpa           pilot electric smelting furnace (ESF)     
(100% basis) and the Carrapateena Crusher 2 project.                                                                 

                                              Quarter performance       YTD performance             Production guidance
                                         ----------------------------- ----------------- -----------------------------------------
                                                                                              FY24         FY25      FY25e v FY24
Production                                Q4 FY24  v Q3 FY24 v Q4 FY23   FY24    v FY23     guidance     guidance     (actual)
---------------------------------------- --------- --------- --------- ------- --------- ------------- ------------- -------------
Copper (kt).............................   504.9       8%       6%     1,865.2     9%    1,720 - 1,910 1,845 - 2,045    (1%) - 10%
   Escondida (kt).......................   309.2       7%       6%     1,125.3     7%    1,080 - 1,180 1,180 - 1,300      5% - 16%
   Pampa Norte (kt)/i/..................    65.9       7%      (4%)      265.6    (8%)    210 - 250/i/  240 - 270/i/  (6%) - 6%/i/
   Copper South Australia (kt)..........    89.3      13%      17%       322.0    39%        310 - 340     310 - 340     (4%) - 6%
   Antamina (kt)........................    38.3      13%       5%       143.9     4%        120 - 140     115 - 135  (20%) - (6%)
   Carajas (kt).........................     2.2     (31%)     38%         8.4                      --            --            --
Iron ore (Mt)...........................    69.2      13%       6%       259.7     1%      254 - 264.5   255 - 265.5     (2%) - 2%
   WAIO (Mt)............................    68.2      13%       6%       254.9     1%        250 - 260     250 - 260     (2%) - 2%
   WAIO (100% basis) (Mt)...............    76.8      13%       6%       287.0     1%        282 - 294     282 - 294     (2%) - 2%
   Samarco (Mt).........................     1.0     (11%)    (15%)        4.7     5%          4 - 4.5       5 - 5.5      5% - 16%
Metallurgical coal - BMA (Mt)/ii/.......     4.9     (18%)    (42%)       22.3   (23%)     21.5 - 22.5     16.5 - 19 (26%) - (15%)
   BMA (100% basis) (Mt)................     9.8     (18%)    (42%)       44.6   (23%)         43 - 45       33 - 38 (26%) - (15%)
Energy coal - NSWEC (Mt)................     3.8     (10%)    (21%)       15.4     8%          13 - 15       13 - 15  (15%) - (2%)
Nickel - Western Australia Nickel (kt)..    23.0      22%       5%        81.6     2%          77 - 87            --            --

i   Production guidance for FY24 and FY25 is for Spence only and excludes Cerro
    Colorado which produced 11 kt in FY24 before entering care and maintenance
    in December 2023.
ii  FY24 production includes 5 Mt (10 Mt on a 100% basis) from Blackwater and
    Daunia mines until their divestment on 2 April 2024. Refer production
    and sales report and metallurgical coal for more details.

                        BHP | Operational review for the year ended 30 June 2024

Summary of disclosures

BHP expects its financial results for the second half of FY24 (H2 FY24) to
reflect certain items summarised in the table below. The table does not provide
a comprehensive list of all items impacting the period. The financial statements
are the subject of ongoing work that will not be finalised until the release of
the financial results on 27 August 2024. Accordingly, the information in the
table below contains preliminary information that is subject to update and

                                                                                     H2 FY24
Description                                                                          (US$M)               Classification/ii/
Unit costs (at guidance FX)
Unit costs for FY24 are expected to be within the guidance range at Escondida,                 --                   Operating costs
in the lower half of the revised guidance range at BMA, in the upper half of
the guidance range at WAIO, and at the top end of the guidance range at Spence
Note: Average realised exchange rates for FY24 of AUD/USD 0.66 
(guidance rate AUD/USD 0.67) and USD/CLP 907 (guidance rate USD/CLP 810).
Income statement
The Group's adjusted effective tax rate for FY24 is expected to be around the                  --                 Taxation expense
midpoint of the guidance range of 30 - 35%
Increase in closure and rehabilitation provision for closed sites                           ~100                Up Operating costs
(predominantly in Group and Unallocated)
Cash flow statement
Working capital movements largely relating to the timing of receivables               ~150 - 350             Up Operating cash flow
Cash tax paid                                                                     ~3,350 - 3,450           Down Operating cash flow
Dividends received from equity-accounted investments                                        ~200             Up Operating cash flow
Capital and exploration spend is expected to be approximately US$9.3 bn,                      --           Down Investing cash flow
below full year guidance of ~US$10 bn, primarily driven by favourable FX and
cash preservation decisions at Western Australia Nickel
Proceeds received from the sale of BHP's 50% interest in the Blackwater                   ~1,000             Up Investing cash flow
and Daunia mines/iii
Dividends paid to non-controlling interests                                                 ~800          Down Financing cash flow
Payment of the H1 FY24 dividend                                                           ~3,600          Down Financing cash flow
Exceptional items
Gain on sale of BHP's 50% interest in the Blackwater and Daunia mines                  ~650 - 750                   Exceptional item
(after tax)
Impairment of Western Australia Nickel following the decision to temporarily                  ~300                 Exceptional item
suspend operations. See Nickel section for further information.
Financial impact on BHP Brasil of the Samarco dam failure is subject to                         --                 Exceptional item
ongoing work. See Iron ore section for further information on Samarco

i    Numbers are not tax effected, unless otherwise noted.
ii   There will be a corresponding balance sheet, cash flow and/or income
     statement impact as relevant, unless otherwise noted.
iii  A US$50 m deposit was received during H1 FY24. For detail on future payments
     in relation to the divestment please refer to: BHP completes the divestment
     of Daunia and Blackwater.

          Further information in Appendix 1

          Detailed production and sales information for all operations in Appendix 2

                        BHP | Operational review for the year ended 30 June 2024

Segment and asset performance | FY24 YTD v FY23 YTD


Production                     Total copper production increased 9% to 1,865 kt. Copper production for FY25 is
                               expected to be between 1,845 and 2,045 kt.
1,865 kt Up 9%
                               Escondida 1,125 kt Up 7% (100% basis)
FY23 1,717 kt
                               Increased production was primarily due to a higher concentrator feed grade of
FY25e 1,845 - 2,045 kt         0.88% (including grade of 0.99% achieved in Q4 FY24), up from 0.82% in FY23, as
                               mining progressed into areas of higher-grade ore as planned following the
                               implementation of measures to manage geotechnical events in FY23. This was
Average realised price         partially offset by planned lower cathode production, as a result of
                               prioritising concentrator throughput in prior years.
US$3.98/lb Up 9%
                               Production for FY25 is expected to be between 1,180 and 1,300 kt, driven by
FY23 US$3.65/lb                higher grades and throughput, and is expected to be weighted to the second
                               half. Concentrator feed grade for FY25 is expected to be greater than 0.90%.

                               Pampa Norte 266 kt Down 8%

                               Spence production increased 6% to a record 255 kt, driven by improved
                               concentrator throughput and increases in both concentrator feed grade and
                               recoveries. Record concentrate production was partially offset by lower cathode
                               production, in line with an expected decline in stacked feed grade. The
                               concentrator plant modifications which commenced in August 2022 were completed
                               in June 2024.

                               Spence successfully completed negotiations for a new collective agreement with
                               the Union N(degree)1 of Operators and Maintainers, effective for 36 months from
                               1 June 2024.

                               Production at Spence for FY25 is expected to be between 240 and 270 kt.

                               Cerro Colorado entered temporary care and maintenance in December 2023, after
                               producing 11 kt for the period.

                               Copper South Australia 322 kt Up 39%

                               Successful integration following the acquisition of OZL in FY23 and strong
                               underlying operational performance across the asset delivered increased
                               production, as well as record material mined and concentrate smelted at Olympic
                               Dam. We have exceeded our planned annualised synergies, such as the processing
                               of Prominent Hill and Carrapateena concentrate at Olympic Dam into
                               higher-margin cathode and refined gold, resulting in annual records for cathode
                               and gold production at Olympic Dam. The successful commissioning and ramp up of
                               Crusher 2 led to record material mined and concentrate produced at

                               Production for FY25 is expected to be between 310 and 340 kt, weighted to the
                               second half.

                               We continued exploration drilling at OD Deeps and Oak Dam to enhance our
                               resource knowledge in support of our growth studies and we expect to provide an
                               Inferred Mineral Resource at Oak Dam later this calendar year.

                               Other copper

                               At Antamina, copper production increased 4% to 144 kt, as a result of record
                               concentrator throughput offsetting planned lower feed grades. Zinc production
                               was 17% lower at 103 kt, as a result of planned lower feed grades. Copper
                               production for FY25 is expected to be between 115 and 135 kt, due to mine
                               sequencing which will result in lower throughput, and zinc production is
                               expected to be between 90 and 110 kt.

                               Carajas produced 8.4 kt of copper and 5.8 troy koz of gold.


                        BHP | Operational review for the year ended 30 June 2024

Iron ore

Production                     Iron ore production increased 1% to a record 260 Mt. Production for FY25 is
                               expected to be between 255 and 265.5 Mt.
260 Mt Up 1%
                               WAIO 255 Mt Up 1% | 287 Mt (100% basis)
FY23 257 Mt
                               WAIO achieved another full year production record of 255 Mt (287 Mt on a 100%
FY25e 255 - 265.5 Mt           basis), reflecting strong supply chain performance with increased capacity
                               unlocked by the Port Debottlenecking Project 1 (PDP1) and record production at
                               South Flank. These more than offset the impacts of the continued tie-in
Average realised price         activity for the Rail Technology Programme 1 (RTP1).
US$101.04/wmt Up 9%
                               South Flank completed ramp up to full production capacity of 80 Mtpa (100%
FY23 US$92.54/wmt              basis) in FY24 as planned, which contributed to WAIO achieving record lump
                               sales for the year.

                               Following commissioning in December 2023, PDP1 has enabled higher production
                               volumes and contributed to record sales for the year. Ramp up remains on track
                               to be completed in CY24.

                               Production for FY25 is expected to be between 250 and 260 Mt (282 and 294 Mt on
                               a 100% basis) as we ramp up the planned tie-in activities for RTP1.

                               Samarco 4.7 Mt Up 5% | 9.5 Mt (100% basis)

                               Production increased as a result of higher concentrator throughput. FY25
                               production is expected to be between 5 and 5.5 Mt. The second concentrator at
                               Samarco is expected to come online during Q3 FY25, increasing production
                               capacity to approximately 16 Mtpa (100% basis) of pellets once fully ramped up.



Metallurgical coal

Production                     BMA 22.3 Mt Down 23% | 44.6 Mt (100% basis)

22.3 Mt Down 23%               Production decreased as a result of increased stripping to improve supply chain
                               stability and restore depleted inventory positions which arose from extended
FY23 29.0 Mt                   weather impacts and labour constraints over recent years, and the divestment of
                               Blackwater and Daunia on 2 April 2024. Production was also impacted by an
FY25e 16.5 - 19 Mt             extended longwall move and geotechnical faulting at Broadmeadow during H1 FY24,
                               and the temporary suspension of operations following the fatality of a team
                               member at Saraji.
Average realised price
                               Blackwater and Daunia produced 5 Mt (10 Mt on a 100% basis) in FY24 prior to
US$266.06/t Down 2%            their divestment.

FY23 US$271.05/t               Production for FY25 is expected to be between 16.5 and 19 Mt (33 and 38 Mt on a
                               100% basis) reflecting the divestment of Blackwater and Daunia and impact of
                               elevated strip ratios as we continue to improve supply chain stability and
                               re-establish raw coal inventory positions.

                               In the next five years, we expect to increase production to between 21.5 and 22.5
                               Mtpa (43 and 45 Mtpa on a 100% basis) once BMA is operating with sustainable
                               inventory levels and strip ratios normalise.


Energy coal

Production                     NSWEC 15.4 Mt Up 8%

15.4 Mt Up 8%                  Production increased due to strong operating performance across the year as
                               improved weather and labour availability enabled an uplift in truck
FY23 14.2 Mt                   productivity. This included 1.3 Mt to support regional coal-fired power
                               stations in line with the NSW Government Market Price Emergency (Directions for
FY25e 13 - 15 Mt               Coal Mines) Notice (Directions). The Directions ceased on 1 July 2024, with the
                               change in royalty rates for open cut mines increasing 2.6% points, from 8.2% to
Average realised price
                               Production for FY25 is expected to be between 13 and 15 Mt.
US$121.52/t Down 49%
                               We continue to progress our plans to cease mining at the asset in FY30,
FY23 US$236.51/t               including delivering on our progressive rehabilitation commitments during FY24.

                        BHP | Operational review for the year ended 30 June 2024

Group & Unallocated


Production                     Western Australia Nickel 81.6 kt Up 2%

81.6 kt Up 2%                  Nickel West production was in line with the prior year. We produced a higher
                               proportion of the lower-value matte products as a result of increased
FY23 80.0 kt                   maintenance at Kwinana Refinery and severe weather events in March 2024.

                               On 11 July 2024, we announced the temporary suspension of operations at Western
Average realised price         Australia Nickel with a transition period to commence from July 2024.
                               Operations will be suspended by October 2024 and handover activities for
US$18,197/t Down 24%           temporary suspension will be completed by December 2024. During the temporary
                               suspension, we will invest ~US$300 m per annum in the facilities to enable a
FY23 US$24,021/t               potential restart.

                               We are expecting to report an underlying EBITDA loss of ~US$300 m at Western
                               Australia Nickel for FY24 and to recognise a further non-cash impairment charge
                               of US$0.3 bn (pre-tax) as an exceptional item in the Group's FY24 Financial

Quarterly performance | Q4 FY24 v Q3 FY24

----------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------

Copper                                                            Iron ore

505 kt Up 8%          Higher concentrator grade and throughput at 69 Mt Up 13%           Record monthly and quarterly production
                      Escondida, and higher volumes at Copper SA                         achieved at WAIO as a result of strong
Q3 FY24 466 kt        with record production at Carrapateena      Q3 FY24 61 Mt          underlying performance at the mines and
                      following the commissioning of Crusher 2 in                        the benefits of PDP1, as well as the
                      Q3 FY24.                                                           prior quarter impacts of wet weather and
                                                                                         a bushfire near Yandi.

----------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------

Metallurgical coal                                                Energy coal

4.9 Mt Down 18%        Production decreased following the          3.8 Mt Down 10%        Lower production as a result of
                       divestment of the Blackwater and Daunia                            unfavourable weather, maintenance works
Q3 FY24 6.0 Mt         mines on 2 April 2024. Production increased Q3 FY24 4.1 Mt         brought forward from Q1 FY25, and a
                       at the remaining operations as a result of                         higher proportion of washed coal.
                       improved truck productivity and favourable
                       weather conditions.

----------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------


23 kt Up 22%          Higher production following prior period
                      impacts from planned maintenance at the
Q3 FY24 19 kt         Kwinana Refinery and a severe weather event
                      in March.


The following footnotes apply to this Operational Review:

1    At the midpoint of total copper production guidance for FY25 of
     1,845 - 2,045 kt

                        BHP | Operational review for the year ended 30 June 2024

Appendix 1

Average realised prices/i/

                                                             Quarter                       H2 FY24                    YTD
                                                      --------------------- -------------------------------- ------------------
                                                       Q4 FY24   v Q3 FY24    H2 FY24   v H1 HY24  v H2 FY23    FY24     v FY23
                                                      --------- ----------- --------- ---------- ----------- -------- ---------
Copper (US$/lb)/ii,iii,iv/.............................. 4.58         19%       4.27       17%         12%       3.98       9%
Iron ore (US$/wmt, FOB)/v/..........................    91.31        (14%)     98.49       (5%)        (1%)    101.04       9%
Metallurgical coal (US$/t)/vi/.......................   245.29       (13%)    265.71       (0%)        (3%)    266.06      (2%)
   Hard coking coal (US$/t)/vii/......................  246.02       (16%)    271.26       (1%)        (2%)    273.03      (0%)
   Weak coking coal (US$/t)/vii/......................  161.70       (23%)    206.84        1%        (17%)    205.54     (18%)
Thermal coal (US$/t)/vi,viii/...........................123.38         6%     119.57       (3%)       (24%)    121.52     (49%)
Nickel metal (US$/t)/ix/.............................   18,414        11%     17,744       (5%)       (25%)    18,197     (24%)

i   Based on provisional, unaudited estimates. Prices exclude sales from equity
    accounted investments, third party product and internal sales, and
    represent the weighted average of various sales terms (for example: FOB,
    CIF and CFR), unless otherwise noted. Includes the impact of provisional
    pricing and finalisation adjustments.
ii  At 30 June 2024, the Group had 430 kt of outstanding copper sales that were
    revalued at a weighted average price of US$4.33/lb. The final price of
    these sales will be determined in FY25. In addition, 342 kt of copper sales
    from FY23 were subject to a finalisation adjustment in the current period.
    The displayed prices include the impact of these provisional pricing and
    finalisation adjustments.
iii The large majority of copper cathodes sales were linked to index price for
    quotation periods one month after month of shipment, and three to four
    months after month of shipment for copper concentrates sales with price
    differentials applied for location and treatment costs.
iv  Sales from Carrapateena and Prominent Hill acquired through the
    purchase of OZL are included for Q4 FY24.
v   The large majority of iron ore shipments were linked to index pricing for
    the month of shipment, with price differentials predominantly a reflection
    of market fundamentals and product quality. Iron ore sales for FY24 and Q4
    FY24 were based on an average moisture rate of 6.7% and 6.9% respectively.
vi  The large majority of metallurgical coal and energy coal exports were
    linked to index pricing for the month of scheduled shipment or priced on
    the spot market at fixed or index-linked prices, with price differentials
    reflecting product quality.
viiHard coking coal (HCC) refers generally to those metallurgical coals with a
    Coke Strength after Reaction (CSR) of 35 and above, which includes coals
    across the spectrum from Premium Coking to Semi Hard Coking coals, while
    weak coking coal (WCC) refers generally to those metallurgical coals with a
    CSR below 35.
viiiExport sales only. Includes thermal coal sales from metallurgical coal
ix  Relates to refined nickel metal only, excludes intermediate products and
    nickel sulphate.

Current year unit cost guidance

                                                                FY24 guidance/i/
Escondida unit cost (US$/lb)/ii/...............................       1.40 - 1.70         Unchanged
Spence unit cost (US$/lb).....................................       2.00 - 2.30           Top end
WAIO unit cost (US$/t)........................................     17.40 - 18.90        Upper half
BMA unit cost (US$/t).........................................         119 - 125        Lower half

i   FY24 unit cost guidance is based on exchange rates of AUD/USD 0.67 and
    USD/CLP 810.
ii  Escondida unit costs for FY24 onwards exclude revenue-based government

Major projects

                                                                                Capital      First
                                                                              expenditure  production
Commodity  Project and ownership           Project scope / capacity              US$M      target date          Progress
---------  ---------------------  ------------------------------------------  -----------  -----------  -----------------------
Potash     Jansen Stage 1         Design, engineering and construction of an        5,723     End-CY26  Project is 52% complete
           (Canada)               underground potash mine and surface
           100%                   infrastructure, with capacity to produce
                                  4.15 Mtpa.

Potash     Jansen Stage 2         Development of additional mining districts,       4,859         FY29   Project is 2% complete
           (Canada)               completion of the second shaft hoist
           100%                   infrastructure, expansion of processing
                                  facilities and addition of rail cars to
                                  facilitate production of an incremental
                                  4.36 Mtpa.

The operating expenditure related to Potash for FY24 is expected to be


Minerals exploration and evaluation expenditure was US$457 m for FY24 (FY23:
US$350 m) of which US$399 m was expensed (FY23: US$294m).

                        BHP | Operational review for the year ended 30 June 2024

Appendix 2

                                                                       Quarter ended                        Year to date
                                                        -------------------------------------------  -------------------------
                                                         Jun      Sep      Dec      Mar      Jun      Jun      Jun       Var
                                                         2023     2023     2023     2024     2024     2024     2023       %
                                                        -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------
Group production and sales summary
By commodity

Metals production is payable metal unless otherwise noted.
Throughout this report figures in italics indicate that this figure has been adjusted since it was previously reported.

Copper         Payable metal in concentrate   kt          310.7    317.3    308.7    339.1    370.5  1,335.6  1,117.9       19%
                                                        -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------
               Escondida                      kt          220.5    221.3    207.7    239.2    258.5    926.7    832.7       11%
               Pampa Norte                    kt           32.2     38.8     32.6     39.5     39.4    150.3    125.3       20%
               Copper South Australia         kt           19.9     23.5     27.4     23.3     32.1    106.3     19.9      434%
               Antamina                       kt           36.5     32.5     39.2     33.9     38.3    143.9    138.4        4%
               Carajas                        kt            1.6      1.2      1.8      3.2      2.2      8.4      1.6      425%
                                                        -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------
               Cathode                        kt          165.5    139.7    128.7    126.8    134.4    529.6    598.6     (12)%
                                                        -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------
               Escondida                      kt           72.5     52.0     46.9     49.0     50.7    198.6    222.6     (11)%
               Pampa Norte                    kt           36.3     39.5     27.2     22.1     26.5    115.3    163.5     (29)%
               Copper South Australia         kt           56.7     48.2     54.6     55.7     57.2    215.7    212.5        2%
               Total                          kt          476.2    457.0    437.4    465.9    504.9  1,865.2  1,716.5        9%
                                                        -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------
Lead           Payable metal in concentrate   t             146       96      105       --      131      332      657     (49)%
                                                        -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------
               Antamina                       t             146       96      105       --      131      332      657     (49)%
                                                        -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------
Zinc           Payable metal in concentrate   t          38,822   35,669   33,475   18,409   15,839  103,392  125,048     (17)%
                                                        -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------
               Antamina                       t          38,822   35,669   33,475   18,409   15,839  103,392  125,048     (17)%
                                                        -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------
Gold           Payable metal in concentrate   troy oz    96,655   89,024   94,794   79,284  100,113  363,215  249,795       45%
               Escondida                      troy oz    53,503   48,063   48,633   38,955   45,410  181,061  189,095      (4)%
               Pampa Norte                    troy oz     9,263    3,931    2,854    1,819    4,676   13,280   26,811     (50)%
               Copper South Australia         troy oz    32,736   36,228   42,051   36,427   48,355  163,061   32,736      398%
               Carajas                        troy oz     1,153      802    1,256    2,083    1,672    5,813    1,153      404%
                                                        -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------
               Refined gold                   troy oz    46,479   53,028   55,828   49,128   49,139  207,123  186,029       11%
                                                        -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------
               Copper South Australia         troy oz    46,479   53,028   55,828   49,128   49,139  207,123  186,029       11%
               Total                          troy oz   143,134  142,052  150,622  128,412  149,252  570,338  435,824       31%
                                                        -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------
Silver         Payable metal in concentrate   troy koz    2,592    2,582    3,074    2,620    3,317   11,593   10,478       11%
                                                        -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------
               Escondida                      troy koz    1,008    1,168    1,401    1,328    1,549    5,446    5,074        7%
               Pampa Norte                    troy koz      412      356      388      327      583    1,654    1,318       25%
               Copper South Australia         troy koz      201      260      310      252      312    1,134      201      464%
               Antamina                       troy koz      971      798      975      713      873    3,359    3,885     (14)%
                                                        -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------
               Refined silver                 troy koz      256      261      221      248      265      995    1,089      (9)%
                                                        -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------
               Copper South Australia         troy koz      256      261      221      248      265      995    1,089      (9)%
               Total                          troy koz    2,848    2,843    3,295    2,868    3,582   12,588   11,567        9%
                                                        -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------
Uranium        Payable metal in concentrate   t             813      825      986      863      929    3,603    3,406        6%
                                                        -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------
               Copper South Australia         t             813      825      986      863      929    3,603    3,406        6%
                                                        -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------
Molybdenum     Payable metal in concentrate   t             666      612      481      824      699    2,616    2,162       21%
                                                        -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------
               Pampa Norte                    t             333      329      145      203      117      794      990     (20)%
               Antamina                       t             333      283      336      621      582    1,822    1,172       55%
                                                        -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------
Iron ore       Western Australia Iron
                  Ore (WAIO)                  kt         64,074   62,004   64,460   60,299   68,173  254,936  252,531        1%
               Samarco                        kt          1,221    1,231    1,302    1,174    1,041    4,748    4,512        5%
               Total                          kt         65,295   63,235   65,762   61,473   69,214  259,684  257,043        1%
                                                        -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------
   coal/1/     BHP Mitsubishi Alliance (BMA)  kt          8,477    5,601    5,717    6,035    4,922   22,275   29,020     (23)%
                                                        -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------
Energy coal    NSW Energy Coal (NSWEC)        kt          4,765    3,613    3,855    4,149    3,751   15,368   14,172        8%
                                                        -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------
Nickel         Western Australia Nickel       kt           22.0     20.2     19.6     18.8     23.0     81.6     80.0        2%
                                                        -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------
Cobalt         Western Australia Nickel       t             246      192      182      179      181      734      752      (2)%
                                                        -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------

1   Includes BMA thermal coal sales.

                                                                       Quarter ended                        Year to date
                                                        -------------------------------------------  -------------------------
                                                         Jun      Sep      Dec      Mar      Jun      Jun      Jun       Var
                                                         2023     2023     2023     2024     2024     2024     2023       %
                                                        -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------
Group production and sales summary
By commodity

Metals production is payable metal unless otherwise noted.
Throughout this report figures in italics indicate that this figure has been adjusted since it was previously reported.

Copper         Payable metal in concentrate   kt          323.1    298.0    316.5    281.6    378.8  1,274.9  1,124.5       13%
                                                        -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------
               Escondida                      kt          220.3    209.5    211.7    204.0    261.3    886.5    830.3        7%
               Pampa Norte                    kt           38.6     31.3     34.9     26.9     49.3    142.4    125.3       14%
               Copper South Australia         kt           27.6     22.2     31.6     17.1     28.0     98.9     27.6      258%
               Antamina                       kt           34.5     32.8     38.3     31.3     37.4    139.8    139.2        0%
               Carajas                        kt            2.1      2.2       --      2.3      2.8      7.3      2.1      248%
                                                        -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------
               Cathode                        kt          179.9    131.9    137.6    120.1    142.3    531.9    600.3     (11)%
                                                        -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------
               Escondida                      kt           78.0     49.2     52.2     44.3     54.6    200.3    221.2      (9)%
               Pampa Norte                    kt           42.4     36.6     31.1     22.1     26.5    116.3    166.4     (30)%
               Copper South Australia         kt           59.5     46.1     54.3     53.7     61.2    215.3    212.7        1%
               Total                          kt          503.0    429.9    454.1    401.7    521.1  1,806.8  1,724.8        5%
                                                        -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------
Lead           Payable metal in concentrate   t             143      154       91      108        9      362      545     (34)%
                                                        -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------
               Antamina                       t             143      154       91      108        9      362      545     (34)%
                                                        -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------
Zinc           Payable metal in concentrate   t          37,629   33,912   37,092   17,559   14,118  102,681  126,427     (19)%
                                                        -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------
               Antamina                       t          37,629   33,912   37,092   17,559   14,118  102,681  126,427     (19)%
                                                        -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------
Gold           Payable metal in concentrate   troy oz   108,552   87,703   98,969   70,493   92,433  349,598  261,692       34%
                                                        -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------
               Escondida                      troy oz    53,503   48,063   48,633   38,955   45,410  181,061  189,095      (4)%
               Pampa Norte                    troy oz     9,263    3,931    2,854    1,819    4,676   13,280   26,811     (50)%
               Copper South Australia         troy oz    44,098   34,176   47,482   28,136   40,507  150,301   44,098      241%
               Carajas                        troy oz     1,688    1,533       --    1,583    1,840    4,956    1,688      194%
                                                        -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------
               Refined gold                   troy oz    49,182   54,036   55,349   41,710   52,687  203,782  187,924        8%
                                                        -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------
               Copper South Australia         troy oz    49,182   54,036   55,349   41,710   52,687  203,782  187,924        8%
               Total                          troy oz   157,734  141,739  154,318  112,203  145,120  553,380  449,616       23%
                                                        -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------
Silver         Payable metal in concentrate   troy koz    2,409    2,527    2,938    2,431    3,137   11,033   10,014       10%
                                                        -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------
               Escondida                      troy koz    1,008    1,168    1,401    1,328    1,549    5,446    5,074        7%
               Pampa Norte                    troy koz      412      356      388      327      583    1,654    1,318       25%
               Copper South Australia         troy koz      242      258      364      189      311    1,122      242      364%
               Antamina                       troy koz      747      745      785      587      694    2,811    3,380     (17)%
                                                        -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------
               Refined silver                 troy koz      270      219      222      188      329      958    1,130     (15)%
                                                        -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------
               Copper South Australia         troy koz      270      219      222      188      329      958    1,130     (15)%
               Total                          troy koz    2,679    2,746    3,160    2,619    3,466   23,024   21,158        9%
                                                        -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------
Uranium        Payable metal in concentrate   t           1,275      481      895      394    1,554    3,324    3,357      (1)%
                                                        -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------
               Copper South Australia         t           1,275      481      895      394    1,554    3,324    3,357      (1)%
                                                        -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------
Molybdenum     Payable metal in concentrate   t             594      564      468      677      678    2,387    2,172       10%
                                                        -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------
               Pampa Norte                    t             367      303      162      219      134      818    1,100     (26)%
               Antamina                       t             227      261      306      458      544    1,569    1,072       46%
                                                        -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------
Iron ore       Western Australia Iron
                  Ore (WAIO)                  kt         62,926   64,180   62,606   61,868   67,323  255,977  248,883        3%
               Samarco                        kt          1,160    1,136    1,329    1,258    1,043    4,766    4,514        6%
               Total                          kt         64,086   65,316   63,935   63,126   68,366  260,743  253,397        3%
                                                        -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------
   coal/1/     BHP Mitsubishi Alliance (BMA)  kt          8,876    5,325    5,706    6,359    4,904   22,294   28,571     (22)%
                                                        -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------
Energy coal    NSW Energy Coal (NSWEC)        kt          4,894    3,307    4,250    3,932    3,678   15,167   13,864        9%
                                                        -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------
Nickel         Western Australia Nickel       kt           23.4     18.9     20.0     18.8     23.2     80.9     82.1      (1)%
                                                        -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------
Cobalt         Western Australia Nickel       t             246      192      110      179      181      662      752     (12)%
                                                        -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------

1  Includes BMA thermal coal sales.

                        BHP | Operational review for the year ended 30 June 2024

                                                                       Quarter ended                        Year to date
                                                        -------------------------------------------  -------------------------
                                                         Jun      Sep      Dec      Mar      Jun      Jun      Jun       Var
                                                         2023     2023     2023     2024     2024     2024     2023       %
                                                        -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------
Production and sales
By asset

Metals production is payable metal unless otherwise noted.

Escondida, Chile/1/                           BHP interest 57.5%

               Material mined                 kt         95,451   87,462   95,168  103,872  102,752  389,254  413,856      (6)%
               Concentrator throughput        kt         30,750   33,332   34,752   31,653   34,377  134,114  130,864        2%
               Average copper grade -
                  concentrator                %            0.93%    0.85%    0.78%    0.92%    0.99%    0.88%    0.82%       7%
               Production ex mill             kt          228.9    225.7    217.6    238.6    279.5    961.4    866.3       11%
                                                        -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------
               Payable copper                 kt          220.5    221.3    207.7    239.2    258.5    926.7    832.7       11%
               Copper cathode (EW)            kt           72.5     52.0     46.9     49.0     50.7    198.6    222.6     (11)%
                  Oxide leach                 kt           29.3     17.5     17.0     14.4     13.8     62.7     76.8     (18)%
                  Sulphide leach              kt           43.2     34.5     29.9     34.6     36.9    135.9    145.8      (7)%
               Total copper                   kt          293.0    273.3    254.6    288.2    309.2  1,125.3  1,055.3        7%
                                                        -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------
               Payable gold concentrate       troy oz    53,503   48,063   48,633   38,955   45,410  181,061  189,095      (4)%
               Payable silver concentrate     troy koz    1,008    1,168    1,401    1,328    1,549    5,446    5,074        7%
                                                        -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------
1   Shown on a 100% basis.

Pampa Norte, Chile                            BHP interest 100%

Copper         Payable metal in concentrate   kt           32.2     38.8     32.6     39.5     39.4    150.3    125.3       20%
               Cathode                        kt           36.3     39.5     27.2     22.1     26.5    115.3    163.5     (29)%
               Total copper                   kt           68.5     78.3     59.8     61.6     65.9    265.6    288.8      (8)%
                                                        -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------
Gold                                          troy oz     9,263    3,931    2,854    1,819    4,676   13,280   26,811     (50)%
                                                        -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------
Silver                                        troy koz      412      356      388      327      583    1,654    1,318       25%
                                                        -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------
Molybdenum                                    t             333      329      145      203      117      794      990     (20)%
                                                        -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------

Cerro Colorado/1/
               Material mined                 kt            145       --       --       --       --       --    4,079    (100)%
               Ore stacked                    kt          3,928      154       --       --       --      154   15,987     (99)%
               Average copper grade - stacked %            0.53%    0.58%      --       --       --     0.58%    0.55%       6%
                                                        -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------
               Copper cathode (EW)            kt           12.2      9.5      1.6       --       --     11.1     49.2     (77)%
               Material mined                 kt         25,622   27,654   25,973   15,968   19,951   89,546  104,416     (14)%
               Ore stacked                    kt          5,625    5,113    4,744    6,008    5,926   21,791   21,304        2%
               Average copper grade - stacked %            0.58%    0.60%    0.59%    0.56%    0.54%    0.57%    0.64%    (10)%
               Concentrator throughput        kt          6,927    8,473    7,151    8,055    7,766   31,445   28,252       11%
               Average copper grade -
                  concentrator                %            0.61%    0.64%    0.65%    0.64%    0.70%    0.66%    0.61%       7%
                                                        -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------
               Payable copper                 kt           32.2     38.8     32.6     39.5     39.4    150.3    125.3       20%
               Copper cathode (EW)            kt           24.1     30.0     25.6     22.1     26.5    104.2    114.3      (9)%
               Total copper                   kt           56.3     68.8     58.2     61.6     65.9    254.5    239.6        6%
                                                        -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------
               Payable gold concentrate       troy oz     9,263    3,931    2,854    1,819    4,676   13,280   26,811     (50)%
               Payable silver concentrate     troy koz      412      356      388      327      583    1,654    1,318       25%
               Payable molybdenum             t             333      329      145      203      117      794      990     (20)%
                                                        -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------

1   Cerro Colorado entered temporary care and maintenance in December 2023.

                                                                         Quarter ended                       Year to date
                                                        -------------------------------------------  -------------------------
                                                         Jun      Sep      Dec      Mar      Jun      Jun      Jun      Var
                                                         2023     2023     2023     2024     2024     2024     2023      %
                                                        -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------
Production and sales
By asset

Metals production is payable metal unless otherwise noted.

Escondida, Chile/1/                           BHP interest 57.5%

               Material mined                 kt
               Concentrator throughput        kt
               Average copper grade -
                  concentrator                %
               Production ex mill             kt
                                                        -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------
               Payable copper                 kt          220.3    209.5    211.7    204.0    261.3    886. 5   830.3        7%
               Copper cathode (EW)            kt           78.0     49.2     52.2     44.3     54.6    200. 3   221.2      (9)%
                  Oxide leach                 kt
                  Sulphide leach              kt
               Total copper                   kt          298.3    258.7    263.9    248.3    315.9  1,086. 8 1,051.5        3%
                                                        -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------
               Payable gold concentrate       troy oz    53,503   48,063   48,633   38,955   45,410  181,061  189,095      (4)%
               Payable silver concentrate     troy koz    1,008    1,168    1,401    1,328    1,549    5,446    5,074        7%
                                                        -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------

1   Shown on a 100% basis.

Pampa Norte, Chile                            BHP interest 100%
Copper         Payable metal in concentrate   kt           38.6     31.3     34.9     26.9     49.3    142.4    125.3       14%
               Cathode                        kt           42.4     36.6     31.1     22.1     26.5    116.3    166.4     (30)%
               Total copper                   kt           81.0     67.9     66.0     49.0     75.8    258.7    291.7     (11)%
                                                        -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------
Gold                                          troy oz     9,263    3,931    2,854    1,819    4,676   13,280   26,811     (50)%
                                                        -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------
Silver                                        troy koz      412      356      388      327      583    1,654    1,318       25%
                                                        -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------
Molybdenum                                    t             367      303      162      219      134      818    1,100     (26)%
                                                        -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------

Cerro Colorado/1/
               Material mined                 kt
               Ore stacked                    kt
               Average copper grade - stacked %
                                                        -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------
               Copper cathode (EW)            kt           14.1      8.8      3.7       --       --     12.5     50.5     (75)%
               Material mined                 kt
               Ore stacked                    kt
               Average copper grade - stacked %
               Concentrator throughput        kt
               Average copper grade -
                  concentrator                %
                                                        -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------
               Payable copper                 kt           38.6     31.3     34.9     26.9     49.3    142.4    125.3       14%
               Copper cathode (EW)            kt           28.3     27.8     27.4     22.1     26.5    103.8    115.9     (10)%
               Total copper                   kt           66.9     59.1     62.3     49.0     75.8    246.2    241.2        2%
                                                        -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------
               Payable gold concentrate       troy oz     9,263    3,931    2,854    1,819    4,676   13,280   26,811     (50)%
               Payable silver concentrate     troy koz      412      356      388      327      583    1,654    1,318       25%
               Payable molybdenum             t             367      303      162      219      134      818    1,100     (26)%
                                                        -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------

1   Cerro Colorado entered temporary care and maintenance in December 2023.

                        BHP | Operational review for the year ended 30 June 2024

                                                                       Quarter ended                        Year to date
                                                        -------------------------------------------  -------------------------
                                                         Jun      Sep      Dec      Mar      Jun      Jun      Jun       Var
                                                         2023     2023     2023     2024     2024     2024     2023       %
                                                        -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------
Copper (continued)

Copper South Australia, Australia             BHP interest 100%

Copper         Payable metal in concentrate   kt           19.9     26.2     30.6     27.4     34.7    118.9     19.9      497%
               Cathode                        kt           56.7     48.2     54.6     55.7     57.2    215.7    212.5        2%
               Total copper                   kt           76.6     74.4     85.2     83.1     91.9    334.6    232.4       44%
                                                        -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------
               Payable metal in concentrate
                  transfer to Olympic Dam/1/  kt             --     (2.7)    (3.2)    (4.1)    (2.6)   (12.6)     0.0
               Net copper                     kt           76.6     71.7       82     79.0     89.3    322.0    232.4       39%
                                                        -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------
Gold           Payable metal in concentrate   troy oz    32,736   41,424   48,051   43,209   52,045  184,729   32,736      464%
               Refined gold                   troy oz    46,479   53,028   55,828   49,128   49,139  207,123  186,029       11%
               Total gold                     troy oz    79,215   94,452  103,879   92,337  101,184  391,852  218,765       79%
                                                        -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------
               Payable metal in concentrate
                  transfer to Olympic Dam/1/  troy oz        --   (5,196)  (6,000)  (6,782)  (3,690) (21,668)      --
               Net gold                       troy oz    79,215   89,256   97,879   85,555   97,494  370,184  218,765       69%
                                                        -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------
Silver         Payable metal in concentrate   troy koz      201      271      323      282      333    1,209      201      501%
               Refined silver                 troy koz      256      261      221      248      265      995    1,089      (9)%
               Total silver                   troy koz      457      532      544      530      598    2,204    1,290       71%
                                                        -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------
               Payable metal in concentrate
                  transfer to Olympic Dam/1/  troy koz       --      (11)     (13)     (30)     (21)     (75)      --
               Net silver                     troy koz      457      521      531      500      577    2,129    1,290       65%
                                                        -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------
Uranium                                       t             813      825      986      863      929    3,603    3,406        6%
                                                        -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------
Olympic Dam
               Material mined                 kt          2,356    2,655    2,537    2,747    2,815   10,754    9,349       15%
               Ore milled                     kt          2,755    2,596    2,634    2,511    2,912   10,653   10,445        2%
               Average copper grade           %            2.00%    1.96%    2.12%    1.96%    2.00%    2.01%    2.04%     (1)%
               Average uranium grade          kg/t         0.55     0.56     0.62     0.57     0.58     0.58     0.57        1%
                                                        -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------
               Copper cathode (ER and EW)     kt           56.7     48.2     54.6     55.7     57.2    215.7    212.5        2%
               Refined gold                   troy oz    46,479   53,028   55,828   49,128   49,139  207,123  186,029       11%
               Refined silver                 troy koz      256      261      221      248      265      995    1,089      (9)%
               Payable uranium                t             813      825      986      863      929    3,603    3,406        6%
Prominent Hill/2/
               Material mined                 kt            661    1,110    1,125    1,094    1,175    4,504      661      581%
               Ore milled                     kt          1,228    1,652    1,800    1,473    1,815    6,740    1,228      449%
               Average copper grade           %            0.77%    0.85%    0.83%    0.86%    0.94%    0.87%    0.77%      13%
               Concentrate produced           kt           16.3     23.8     23.6     22.3     28.4     98.1     16.3      502%
                                                        -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------
               Payable copper                 kt            8.2     12.1     12.9     10.9     14.6     50.5      8.2      516%
               Payable gold concentrate       troy oz    17,432   22,031   25,779   21,019   25,357   94,186   17,432      440%
               Payable silver concentrate     troy koz       44       63       65       62       90      280       44      536%
               Material mined                 kt            880    1,201    1,310    1,232    1,486    5,229      880      494%
               Ore milled                     kt            856    1,230    1,307    1,226    1,450    5,213      856      509%
               Average copper grade           %            1.52%    1.29%    1.52%    1.52%    1.57%    1.48%    1.52%     (3)%
               Concentrate produced           kt           30.1     37.6     49.2     45.9     62.0    194.7     30.1      547%
                                                        -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------
               Payable copper                 kt           11.7     14.1     17.7     16.5     20.1     68.4     11.7      485%
               Payable gold concentrate       troy oz    15,304   19,393   22,272   22,190   26,688   90,543   15,304      492%
               Payable silver concentrate     troy koz      157      208      258      220      243      929      157      492%
                                                        -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------

1   Excludes prior year production previously reported and transferred during the period.
2   Production and sales included from 1 May 2023, following the acquisition of OZL on 2 May 2023.

                                                                       Quarter ended                        Year to date
                                                        -------------------------------------------  -------------------------
                                                         Jun      Sep      Dec      Mar      Jun      Jun      Jun       Var
                                                         2023     2023     2023     2024     2024     2024     2023       %
                                                        -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------
Copper (continued)

Copper South Australia, Australia             BHP interest 100%

Copper         Payable metal in concentrate   kt           27.6     22.2     31.6     17.1     28.0     98.9     27.6      258%
               Cathode                        kt           59.5     46.1     54.3     53.7     61.2    215.3    212.7        1%
               Total copper                   kt           87.1     68.3     85.9     70.8     89.2    314.2    240.3       31%
                                                        -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------
               Payable metal in concentrate
                  transfer to Olympic Dam/1/  kt
               Net copper                     kt
                                                        -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------
Gold           Payable metal in concentrate   troy oz    44,098   34,176   47,482   28,136   40,507  150,301   44,098      241%
               Refined gold                   troy oz    49,182   54,036   55,349   41,710   52,687  203,782  187,924        8%
               Total gold                     troy oz    93,280   88,212  102,831   69,846   93,194  354,083  232,022       53%
                                                        -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------
               Payable metal in concentrate
                  transfer to Olympic Dam/1/  troy oz
               Net gold                       troy oz
                                                        -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------
Silver         Payable metal in concentrate   troy koz      242      258      364      189      311    1,122      242      364%
               Refined silver                 troy koz      270      219      222      188      329      958    1,130     (15)%
               Total silver                   troy koz      512      477      586      377      640    2,080    1,372       52%
                                                        -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------
               Payable metal in concentrate
                  transfer to Olympic Dam/1/  troy koz
               Net silver                     troy koz
                                                        -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------
Uranium                                       t           1,275      481      895      394    1,554    3,324    3,357      (1)%
                                                        -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------
Olympic Dam
               Material mined                 kt
               Ore milled                     kt
               Average copper grade           %
               Average uranium grade          kg/t
                                                        -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------
               Copper cathode (ER and EW)     kt           59.5     46.1     54.3     53.7     61.2    215.3    212.7        1%
               Refined gold                   troy oz    49,182   54,036   55,349   41,710   52,687  203,782  187,924        8%
               Refined silver                 troy koz      270      219      222      188      329      958    1,130     (15)%
               Payable uranium                t           1,275      481      895      394    1,554    3,324    3,357      (1)%
Prominent Hill/2/
               Material mined                 kt
               Ore milled                     kt
               Average copper grade           %
               Concentrate produced           kt
                                                        -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------
               Payable copper                 kt           15.7      8.4     10.6      6.5      7.3     32.8     15.7      109%
               Payable gold concentrate       troy oz    28,856   15,524   20,045   14,644   12,955   63,168   28,856      119%
               Payable silver concentrate     troy koz       87       53       59       38       48      198       87      128%
               Material mined                 kt
               Ore milled                     kt
               Average copper grade           %
               Concentrate produced           kt
                                                        -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------
               Payable copper                 kt           11.9     13.8     21.0     10.6     20.7     66.1     11.9      455%
               Payable gold concentrate       troy oz    15,242   18,652   27,437   13,492   27,552   87,133   15,242      472%
               Payable silver concentrate     troy koz      155      205      305      151      263      924      155      496%
                                                        -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------

1   Excludes prior year production previously reported and transferred during the period.
2   Production and sales included from 1 May 2023, following the acquisition of OZL on 2 May 2023.

                        BHP | Operational review for the year ended 30 June 2024

                                                                       Quarter ended                        Year to date
                                                        -------------------------------------------  -------------------------
                                                         Jun      Sep      Dec      Mar      Jun      Jun      Jun       Var
                                                         2023     2023     2023     2024     2024     2024     2023       %
                                                        -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------
Copper (continued)

Antamina, Peru                                BHP interest 33.75%

               Material mined                 kt         62,894   63,310   61,539   56,233   62,481  243,563  253,448      (4)%
               Concentrator throughput        kt         13,897   14,246   14,824   14,312   14,534   57,916   54,376        7%
               Average head grade - copper    %            0.88%    0.83%    0.90%    0.83%    0.91%    0.87%    0.89%     (2)%
               Average head grade - zinc      %            1.25%    1.17%    1.03%    0.68%    0.68%    0.89%    1.10%    (19)%
                                                        -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------
               Payable copper                 kt           36.5     32.5     39.2     33.9     38.3    143.9    138.4        4%
               Payable zinc                   t          38,822   35,669   33,475   18,409   15,839  103,392  125,048     (17)%
               Payable silver                 troy koz      971      798      975      713      873    3,359    3,885     (14)%
               Payable lead                   t             146       96      105       --      131      332      657     (49)%
               Payable molybdenum             t             333      283      336      621      582    1,822    1,172       55%
                                                        -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------
Carajas, Brazil/1/                            BHP interest 100%
               Material mined                 kt            103       74      115      163      134      486      103      372%
               Ore milled                     kt            100       70      119      163      135      487      100      387%
               Average copper grade           %            1.71%    1.91%    1.69%    2.07%    1.68%    1.85%    1.71%       8%
               Production ex mill             kt            6.6      5.2      7.6     12.9      8.8     34.5      6.6      423%
                                                        -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------
               Payable copper                 kt            1.6      1.2      1.8      3.2      2.2      8.4      1.6      425%
               Payable gold concentrate       troy oz     1,153      802    1,256    2,083    1,672    5,813    1,153      404%
                                                        -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------

1   Production and sales included from 1 May 2023, following the acquisition of OZL on 2 May 2023.

Iron ore
Iron ore production and sales are reported on a wet tonnes basis.

WAIO, Australia                               BHP interest 85%
               Newman Joint Venture           kt         14,795   13,234   15,468   15,032   14,368   58,102   56,945        2%
               Area C Joint Venture           kt         28,818   25,804   26,074   24,920   29,070  105,868  107,375      (1)%
               Yandi Joint Venture            kt          5,359    3,150    4,978    4,434    5,293   17,855   21,410     (17)%
               Jimblebar/1/                   kt         15,102   19,816   17,940   15,913   19,442   73,111   66,801        9%
               Total                          kt         64,074   62,004   64,460   60,299   68,173  254,936  252,531        1%
                                                        -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------
               Total (100%)                   kt         72,717   69,448   72,670   68,131   76,773  287,022  285,307        1%
                                                        -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------
               Lump                           kt
               Fines                          kt
               Total                          kt
               Total (100%)                   kt
                                                        -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------

1   Shown on a 100% basis. BHP interest in saleable production is 85%.

Samarco, Brazil                               BHP interest 50%
               Total                          kt          1,221    1,231    1,302    1,174    1,041    4,748    4,512        5%
                                                        -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------

                                                                       Quarter ended                        Year to date
                                                        -------------------------------------------  -------------------------
                                                         Jun      Sep      Dec      Mar      Jun      Jun      Jun       Var
                                                         2023     2023     2023     2024     2024     2024     2023       %
                                                        -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------
Copper (continued)

Antamina, Peru                                BHP interest 33.75%

               Material mined                 kt
               Concentrator throughput        kt
               Average head grade - copper    %
               Average head grade - zinc      %
                                                        -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------
               Payable copper                 kt           34.5     32.8     38.3     31.3     37.4    139.8    139.2        0%
               Payable zinc                   t          37,629   33,912   37,092   17,559   14,118  102,681  126,427     (19)%
               Payable silver                 troy koz      747      745      785      587      694    2,811    3,380     (17)%
               Payable lead                   t             143      154       91      108        9      362      545     (34)%
               Payable molybdenum             t             227      261      306      458      544    1,569    1,072       46%
                                                        -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------

Carajas, Brazil/1/                            BHP interest 100%

               Material mined                 kt
               Ore milled                     kt
               Average copper grade           %
               Production ex mill             kt
                                                        -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------
               Payable copper                 kt            2.1      2.2       --      2.3      2.8      7.3      2.1      248%
               Payable gold concentrate       troy oz     1,688    1,533       --    1,583    1,840    4,956    1,688      194%
                                                        -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------

1   Production and sales included from 1 May 2023, following the acquisition of OZL on 2 May 2023.

Iron ore
Iron ore production and sales are reported on a wet tonnes basis.

WAIO, Australia                               BHP interest 85%
               Newman Joint Venture           kt
               Area C Joint Venture           kt
               Yandi Joint Venture            kt
               Jimblebar/1/                   kt
               Total                          kt

               Total (100%)                   kt
                                                        -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------
               Lump                           kt         20,022   20,969   19,176   19,175   20,260   79,580   77,979        2%
               Fines                          kt         42,904   43,211   43,430   42,693   47,063  176,397  170,904        3%
               Total                          kt         62,926   64,180   62,606   61,868   67,323  255,977  248,883        3%
                                                        -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------
               Total (100%)                   kt         71,172   71,748   70,340   69,775   75,898  287,761  280,716        3%
                                                        -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------

1   Shown on a 100% basis. BHP interest in saleable production is 85%.

Samarco, Brazil                               BHP interest 50%
               Total                          kt          1,160    1,136    1,329    1,258    1,043    4,766    4,514        6%
                                                        -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------

                        BHP | Operational review for the year ended 30 June 2024

                                                                       Quarter ended                        Year to date
                                                        -------------------------------------------  -------------------------
                                                         Jun      Sep      Dec      Mar      Jun      Jun      Jun       Var
                                                         2023     2023     2023     2024     2024     2024     2023       %
                                                        -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------
Coal production is reported on the basis of saleable product.
BMA, Australia                                BHP interest 50%
               Blackwater/1/                  kt          1,505    1,295    1,182    1,070       25    3,572    5,055    (29)%
               Goonyella                      kt          2,348      827    1,736    1,824    2,047    6,434    8,310    (23)%
               Peak Downs                     kt          1,424    1,121      846    1,012    1,238    4,217    5,480    (23)%
               Saraji                         kt          1,326    1,010      701      759      817    3,287    4,596    (28)%
               Daunia/1/                      kt            617      545      431      524       13    1,513    1,989    (24)%
               Caval Ridge                    kt          1,257      803      821      846      782    3,252    3,590     (9)%
               Total/2/                       kt          8,477    5,601    5,717    6,035    4,922   22,275   29,020    (23)%
                                                        -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------
               Total (100%)                   kt         16,954   11,202   11,434   12,070    9,844   44,550   58,040    (23)%
                                                        -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------
               Coking coal                    kt
               Weak coking coal               kt
               Thermal coal                   kt
               Total                          kt

               Total (100%)                   kt
                                                        -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------

1   Production and sales included contribution from Blackwater and Daunia mines until their divestment on 2 April 2024.
2   Production figures include some thermal coal.

NSWEC, Australia                              BHP interest 100%
               Export                         kt
               Domestic/1/                    kt
               Total                          kt          4,765    3,613    3,855    4,149    3,751   15,368   14,172        8%
                                                        -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------

1   Domestic sales are made under the NSW Government Coal Market Price Emergency
    (Directions for Coal Mines) Notice 2023.

Nickel production is reported on the basis of saleable product.

Western Australia Nickel, Australia               BHP interest 100%

Mt Keith       Nickel concentrate             kt           44.5     42.7     43.8     32.4     42.6    161.5    165.5      (2)%
               Average nickel grade           %            16.2     16.7     16.8     15.2     17.8     16.7     16.3        2%
                                                        -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------
Leinster       Nickel concentrate             kt           71.1     66.0     63.4     60.3     76.6    266.3    254.2        5%
               Average nickel grade           %             8.5      8.1      8.0      7.8      9.0      8.3      9.1      (9)%
                                                        -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------
               Refined nickel/1/              kt           13.1     13.8     12.6      8.8     14.7     49.9     54.6      (9)%
               Nickel sulphate/2/             kt            0.7      0.9      0.7      1.0      1.6      4.2      3.2       31%
               Intermediates and nickel
                  by-products/3/              kt            8.2      5.5      6.3      9.0      6.7     27.5     22.2       24%
               Total nickel                   kt           22.0     20.2     19.6     18.8     23.0     81.6     80.0        2%
                                                        -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------
               Cobalt by-products             t             246      192      182      179      181      734      752      (2)%
                                                        -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------

1   High quality refined nickel metal, including briquettes and powder.
2   Nickel sulphate crystals produced from nickel powder.
3   Nickel contained in matte and by-product streams.

                                                                       Quarter ended                        Year to date
                                                        -------------------------------------------  -------------------------
                                                         Jun      Sep      Dec      Mar      Jun      Jun      Jun       Var
                                                         2023     2023     2023     2024     2024     2024     2023       %
                                                        -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------
Coal production is reported on the basis of saleable product.

BMA, Australia                                BHP interest 50%
               Blackwater/1/                  kt
               Goonyella                      kt
               Peak Downs                     kt
               Saraji                         kt
               Daunia/1/                      kt
               Caval Ridge                    kt
               Total/2/                       kt
               Total (100%)                   kt
                                                        -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------
               Coking coal                    kt          7,448    4,497    4,756    5,410    4,862   19,525   24,307     (20)%
               Weak coking coal               kt          1,064      529      752      927       42    2,250    3,101     (27)%
               Thermal coal                   kt            364      299      198       22       --      519    1,163     (55)%
               Total                          kt          8,876    5,325    5,706    6,359    4,904   22,294   28,571     (22)%
                                                        -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------
               Total (100%)                   kt         17,752   10,650   11,412   12,718    9,808   44,588   57,142     (22)%
                                                        -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------

1   Production and sales included contribution from Blackwater and Daunia mines until their divestment on 2 April 2024.
2   Production figures include some thermal coal.

NSWEC, Australia                              BHP interest 100%
               Export                         kt          4,693    3,087    3,942    3,558    3,254   13,841   13,663        1%
               Domestic/1/                    kt            201      220      308      374      424    1,326      201      560%
               Total                          kt          4,894    3,307    4,250    3,932    3,678   15,167   13,864        9%
                                                        -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------

1   Domestic sales are made under the NSW Government Coal Market Price Emergency
    (Directions for Coal Mines) Notice 2023.

Nickel production is reported on the basis of saleable product.

Western Australia Nickel, Australia           BHP interest 100%
Mt Keith       Nickel concentrate             kt
               Average nickel grade           %

Leinster       Nickel concentrate             kt
               Average nickel grade           %
                                                        -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------
               Refined nickel/1/              kt           13.1     13.2     13.0      8.6     14.8     49.6     54.4      (9)%
               Nickel sulphate/2/             kt            0.8      0.8      0.7      0.8      1.5      3.8      3.0       27%
               Intermediates and nickel
                  by-products/3/              kt            9.5      4.9      6.3      9.4      6.9     27.5     24.7       11%
               Total nickel                   kt           23.4     18.9     20.0     18.8     23.2     80.9     82.1      (1)%
                                                        -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------
               Cobalt by-products             t             246      192      110      179      181      662      752     (12)%
                                                        -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------

1   High quality refined nickel metal, including briquettes and powder.
2   Nickel sulphate crystals produced from nickel powder.
3   Nickel contained in matte and by-product streams.

                        BHP | Operational review for the year ended 30 June 2024

Variance analysis relates to the relative performance of BHP and/or its
operations during the 12 months ended June 2024 compared with the 12 months
ended June 2023, unless otherwise noted. Production volumes, sales volumes and
capital and exploration expenditure from subsidiaries are reported on a 100%
basis; production and sales volumes from equity accounted investments and other
operations are reported on a proportionate consolidation basis. Numbers
presented may not add up precisely to the totals provided due to rounding.
Medium-term refers to a five year horizon, unless otherwise noted.

The following abbreviations may have been used throughout this report: billion
tonnes (Bt); cost and freight (CFR); cost, insurance and freight (CIF), carbon
dioxide equivalent (CO2-e), dry metric tonne unit (dmtu); free on board (FOB);
giga litres (GL); greenhouse gas (GHG); grams per cubic centimeter (g/cm3),
grams per tonne (g/t); high-potential injury (HPI); kilograms per tonne (kg/t);
kilometre (km); million ounces per annum (Mozpa); metres (m), million pounds
(Mlb); million tonnes (Mt); million tonnes per annum (Mtpa); ounces (oz); OZ
Minerals Limited (OZL); part per million (ppm), pounds (lb); thousand ounces
(koz); thousand ounces per annum (kozpa); thousand tonnes (kt); thousand tonnes
per annum (ktpa); thousand tonnes per day (ktpd); tonnes (t); total recordable
injury frequency (TRIF); wet metric tonnes (wmt); and year to date (YTD).

In this release, the terms `BHP', the `Group', `BHP Group', `we', `us', `our'
and `ourselves' are used to refer to BHP Group Limited and, except where the
context otherwise requires, our subsidiaries. Refer to note 30 `Subsidiaries' of
the Financial Statements in BHP's 30 June 2023 Annual Report for a list of our
significant subsidiaries. Those terms do not include non-operated assets.
Notwithstanding that this release may include production, financial and other
information from non-operated assets, non-operated assets are not included in
the BHP Group and, as a result, statements regarding our operations, assets and
values apply only to our operated assets unless stated otherwise. Our
non-operated assets include Antamina and Samarco. BHP Group cautions against
undue reliance on any forward-looking statement or guidance in this release.
These forward-looking statements are based on information available as at the
date of this release and are not guarantees or predictions of future performance
and involve known and unknown risks, uncertainties and other factors, many of
which are beyond our control and which may cause actual results to differ
materially from those expressed in the statements contained in this release.

Further information on BHP can be found at

Sponsor: J.P. Morgan Equities South Africa Proprietary

Authorised for lodgement by:
Stefanie Wilkinson
Group Company Secretary

Media Relations                                   Investor Relations

Email:                    Email:

Australia and Asia                                Australia and Asia

Gabrielle Notley                                  John-Paul Santamaria
Tel: +61 3 9609 3830  Mobile: +61 411 071 715     Mobile: +61 499 006 018

Europe, Middle East and Africa                    Europe, Middle East and Africa

Neil Burrows                                      James Bell
Tel: +44 20 7802 7484  Mobile: +44 7786 661 683   Tel: +44 20 7802 7144  Mobile: +44 7961 636 432

Americas                                          Americas

Renata Fernandez                                  Monica Nettleton
Mobile: +56 9 8229 5357                           Mobile: +1 416 518 6293

BHP Group Limited ABN 49 004 028 077


Registered in Australia

Registered Office: Level 18, 171 Collins Street

Melbourne Victoria 3000 Australia

Tel +61 1300 55 4757 Fax +61 3 9609 3015

BHP Group is headquartered in Australia
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                        BHP | Operational review for the year ended 30 June 2024

Date: 17-07-2024 08:15:00
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