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ASTORIA INVESTMENTS LIMITED - Results of annual general meeting and availability of recording

Release Date: 22/05/2024 13:45
Code(s): ARA     PDF:  
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Results of annual general meeting and availability of recording

(Incorporated in the Republic of Mauritius)
(Registration number 129785 C1/GBL)
SEM share code: ATIL.N0000
JSE share code: ARA
ISIN: MU0499N00015
("Astoria" or "the Company")


Shareholders are advised that at the annual general meeting of shareholders of the Company held today,
22 May 2024 (in terms of the notice of annual general meeting dispatched to shareholders on 27 March 2024),
all of the resolutions tabled were passed by the requisite majority of Astoria shareholders, except for ordinary
resolution number 7 and special resolution number 11.

A recording of the annual general meeting will be made available on the Company's website under the Investor
Relations section at

Details of the results of voting at the annual general meeting are as follows:

    - total number of Astoria shares that could have been voted at the annual general meeting: 62 062 275
    - total number of Astoria shares that were present/represented at the annual general meeting: 42 866 470,
      being 69.07% of total number of Astoria shares that were eligible to vote at the annual general meeting.

 Resolutions:                                           Shares voted               Votes    Votes       Voted
                                                                                     for   against   abstained

                                                       Number         % (1)        % (2)     % (2)       % (1)
 Ordinary resolution number 1:                      42 866 470      69.07%       100.00%    0.00%       0.00%
 To receive and adopt the audited financial
 statements of the Company for the year
 ended 31 December 2023, together with the
 Statement of Directors' Responsibilities,
 Corporate Governance Report, and
 independent auditors' report thereon

 Ordinary resolution number 2.1:                    42 866 470      69.07%       100.00%    0.00%       0.00%
 To re-elect Mr Jan van Niekerk as a non-
 executive director

 Ordinary resolution number 2.2:                    42 866 470      69.07%       100.00%    0.00%       0.00%
 To re-elect Mr Nicolas Hardy as an
 independent non-executive director

 Ordinary resolution number 3:                      42 866 470      69.07%       100.00%    0.00%       0.00%
 To reappoint Ernst & Young Mauritius and
 Ernst & Young South Africa as auditors

 Ordinary resolution number 4:                      42 866 470      69.07%       100.00%    0.00%       0.00%
 To approve the remuneration of the auditors

 Ordinary resolution number 5:                      42 866 470      69.07%       100.00%    0.00%       0.00%
 To approve the remuneration of non-
 executive directors

 Resolutions:                                             Shares voted             Votes      Votes       Voted
                                                                                     for    against   abstained

                                                       Number            % (1)      % (2)      % (2)        % (1)
 Ordinary resolution number 6:                      42 866 470      69.07%        76.94%     23.06%        0.00%
 To authorise the Board to issue shares

 Ordinary resolution number 7:                      42 866 470      69.07%        72.24%     27.76%        0.00%
 General authority to issue shares for cash

 Ordinary resolution number 8:                      42 866 470      69.07%        98.04%      1.96%        0.00%
 To endorse the remuneration policy by way
 of a non-binding advisory vote

 Ordinary resolution number 9:                      42 866 470      69.07%       100.00%      0.00%        0.00%
 To endorse the remuneration
 implementation report by way of a non-
 binding advisory vote

 Ordinary resolution number 10:                     42 866 470      69.07%       100.00%      0.00%        0.00%
 To authorise any director or the Company
 Secretary to sign documentation

 Special resolution number 11:                      42 866 470      69.07%        72.24%     27.76%        0.00%
 Waiver of pre-emptive rights

 Special resolution number 12:                      42 866 470      69.07%        97.99%      2.01%        0.00%
 Repurchase of shares

   1. As a percentage of total ordinary shares in issue
   2. As a percentage of shares voted

Astoria has primary listings on the Stock Exchange of Mauritius and the Alternative Exchange of the JSE.

This communique has been issued pursuant to SEM Listing Rule 11.3 and Rule 5(1) of the Securities (Disclosure
Obligations of Reporting Issuers) Rules 2007. The Board of Directors of Astoria accepts full responsibility for the
accuracy of the information contained in this communique.

22 May 2024

JSE Designated Advisor                                                    Company Secretary
Questco Corporate Advisory Proprietary Limited                            Clermont Consultants (MU) Limited

Date: 22-05-2024 01:45:00
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