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ANGLO AMERICAN PLATINUM LIMITED - PGMs Production Report for the second quarter ending 30 June 2024

Release Date: 18/07/2024 08:00
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PGMs Production Report for the second quarter ending 30 June 2024

Anglo American Platinum Limited
(Incorporated in the Republic of South Africa)
(Registration number: 1946/022452/06)
Share Code: AMS
ISIN: ZAE000013181
("The Company" or "Anglo American Platinum")

18 July 2024

Anglo American Platinum Limited

PGMs Production Report for the second quarter ending 30 June 2024

Overview – Q2 2024 performance against prior period Q2 2023

• Safety performance - we tragically experienced two work-related fatalities at Dishaba Mine (part of Amandelbult complex)
   during the quarter. Total recordable injury frequency rate (TRIFR) increased by 2% to 1.48 per million hours worked at own
   operations compared to the prior period.

• Total Platinum Group Metals (PGMs) production (expressed as 5E+Au metal-in-concentrate) decreased by 2% to 921,000

• Own-managed mines PGM production increased by 9% compared to Q1 2024, however decreased by 3% to 547,200 ounces
   when compared to the prior period.

• Purchase of PGM concentrate (POC) decreased by 2%1 to 373,800 ounces.

• Refined PGMs production (owned production, excluding tolling) increased by 7% to 1,153,500 due to the release of work-in-
   progress inventory compared to the same period last year.

• PGMs sales volumes (from production, excluding sales from trading) increased by 14% to 1,266,100 ounces, supported by
   higher refined production and a draw-down of finished goods.

• Guidance for 2024 is unchanged. Metal-in-concentrate PGM production and refined production guidance remains at 3.3-3.7
   million ounces. Cash operating unit cost guidance is R16,500-R17,500 per PGM ounce and we are targeting an all-in sustaining
   cost (AISC) of below US$1,050 per 3E ounce.

1 On   a like-for-like basis to include 100% of Kroondal volumes in the comparative period.
Craig Miller, CEO of Anglo American Platinum, said:

"We had an improved performance in the second quarter and we continue to make good progress in the reconfiguration of our
business. However, it is with great regret that we report two tragic work-related fatalities at Dishaba Mine on 7 June. Our
deepest condolences go out to the families, friends, and colleagues of Mr. Tshepiso Terrence Mokale and Mr. Euzmen Ndlebe.
This incident occurred during a period when we have been making significant safety advancements across Anglo American
Platinum and serves as a blunt reminder that we can never become complacent about workplace safety. We remain steadfast in
our commitment to ensuring the safety of our workforce every day.

"Our operational excellence initiatives are yielding encouraging results. Own mine metal-in-concentrate (M&C) production
increased by 9% quarter on quarter, and compared to the previous year, refined production and sales have risen by 7% and
14%, respectively. Our guidance for 2024 remains unchanged. I look forward to sharing more insights on our performance when
we release our Interim Results on 22 July".

Anglo American Platinum                                                                                                    Q2 2024     Q2 2024                              H1 2024
PGM Production Report - Q2 2024                                     Q2          Q1          Q4             Q3        Q2          vs          vs          H1           H1          vs
                                                                  2024        2024        2023        2023         2023    Q2 2023     Q1 2024        2024          2023    H1 2023
M&C PGM production1 adjusted for Kroondal2                      921.0       834.1       932.2     1,029.6        943.1         (2) %      10 %      1,755.1         1,844.3   (5) %
Own mined volume 3                                               547.2      504.3       579.8       607.9         561.8        (3) %        9 %     1,051.5         1,097.8   (4) %
Purchase of concentrate (POC)4                                  373.8       329.8       352.4       421.7         381.3        (2) %      13 %        703.6           746.5   (6) %
M&C PGM production1                                             921.0       834.1       932.2     1,029.6        943.1         (2) %      10 %      1,755.1         1,844.3   (5) %
Own mined volume - as previously published                      547.2       504.3       595.7       665.8         612.7       (11) %         9 %    1,051.5         1,198.7  (12) %
Purchase of concentrate - as previously published               373.8       329.8       336.5       363.8         330.4         13 %        13 %      703.6           645.6     9 %
Refined PGM production owned5                                 1,153.5       628.0     1,191.1       909.7       1,073.8         7  %       84 %     1,781.5         1,699.8     5 %
4E Toll refined production                                      132.9       160.2       175.1       159.8         139.6        (5) %     (17) %       293.1           285.7     3 %
Total refined production (owned and toll)                     1,286.4       788.2      1,366.2     1,069.5      1,213.4         6  %       63 %     2,074.6         1,985.5     4 %
PGM sales volume from production 5                            1,266.1       707.5     1,166.2       951.8       1,108.7        14  %        79 %    1,973.6         1,807.3     9 %
Trading sales volume 6                                        2,092.4     1,200.1      1,050.3     1,220.9      1,153.0        81  %        74 %    3,292.5         2,065.2    59 %
Total sales volume (production and trading)                   3,358.5     1,907.6      2,216.5     2,172.7      2,261.7        48  %        76 %    5,266.1         3,872.5    36 %

Numbers are independently rounded and minor variances might be present when performing additions, subtractions and calculations.

1   M&C refers to metal in concentrate. Ounces refer to troy ounces. PGMs consists of 5E + gold (platinum, palladium, rhodium, ruthenium and iridium plus gold).

2    Restated for prior periods to exclude Kroondal from mined volume and to include all prior period data for Kroondal as Purchase of concentrate. Kroondal was a 50% joint
     operation until 1 November 2023. Up until this date, the 50% equity share of production was presented under 'Own mined' production and the remaining 50% of production that
     Anglo American Platinum purchased, was presented under 'Purchase of concentrate'. Upon the disposal of our 50% interest, Kroondal transitioned to a 100% third-party POC
     arrangement, whereby 100% of production will be presented under 'Purchase of concentrate: Third parties' until it transitions to a toll arrangement, expected at the end of H2
3    PGM production from Mogalakwena, Amandelbult, Mototolo, Unki and 50% attributable production from joint operation Modikwa.

4    PGM production from third parties, 100% production of Kroondal and 50% purchased from joint operation Modikwa.

5     Refined and sales volumes owned by Anglo American Platinum referencing its annual guidance i.e. excluding toll refining volumes.

6   Trading sales volume - relates to sales of metal not produced by Anglo American Platinum operations.

Review of the quarter

Anglo American Platinum remains committed to eliminating fatalities; however, we sadly experienced a tragic fatal incident at
Dishaba Mine. On Friday 7 June, Mr. Tshepiso Terrence Mokale and Mr. Euzmen Ndlebe lost their lives in an ore pass related
incident. A Section 54 was issued on all drop-raise and site preparation blasting activities at Dishaba Mine by the Department of
Mineral Resources and Energy (DMRE) and all similar workplaces were stopped with immediate effect until such time that all
hazards related to this work have been thoroughly reevaluated. A full investigation of the circumstances behind the incident is
currently underway and immediate lessons learned from this tragedy have been promptly shared across the business as part of
our immediate call to action. We are implementing measures to prevent any recurrence in future.

Total recordable injury frequency rate (TRIFR) increased by 2% to 1.48 per million hours at our operations, up from 1.45 per
million hours in the previous period.

Metal-in-concentrate (M&C) PGM production
Total PGM production

Total PGM production in Q2 2024 decreased by 2% against the prior period (Q2 2023), to 921,000 ounces. However, it marked a
10% increase from Q1 2024, reflecting early-stage progress in the operational excellence efforts at Amandelbult.

PGM production from own mines

Although PGM production from our own mines increased by 9% to 547,200 ounces compared to Q1 2024, this was a 3% decrease
compared to prior period, primarily due to lower output from Mototolo, Mogalakwena and Unki, partly offset by increased
production at Amandelbult.

Mototolo PGM production decreased by 14% to 66,300 ounces largely attributed to difficult ground conditions as Lebowa shaft
reaches its end of life, which was compounded by a shortage of specialised skills. However, the introduction of a new seven-day
mining shift cycle at the end of the first quarter had a positive contribution on mining volumes and has partially mitigated against
the production shortfalls. Concurrently, the Der Brochen project, focused on replacing infrastructure closures at Lebowa, is
progressing in the execution phase, with meaningful production anticipated to ramp up in 2025.

Mogalakwena's production decreased by 4% to 232,600 ounces due to the blending of planned low-grade ore stockpiles as the
new bench cut sequence progressed during the quarter, extracting higher waste tonnes in the short term. Grades are expected
to increase in the second half of the year, and the full-year grade is expected to be within the guided range of 2.7 - 2.9g/t. The
Mogalakwena North Concentrator's primary mill experienced an electrical failure on 1 July 2024 with repairs and mitigation plans
underway and expected to be largely complete by end of July 2024. It is expected that this may have a ~5% impact on
Mogalakwena M&C production in 2024.

Unki production decreased by 7% to 54,700 ounces due to mining through a planned lower-grade section. Despite the lower
grades, adjustments in stope width are anticipated to restore grades to normalised levels in the second half of the year.

PGM production from Amandelbult increased by 7% to 157,600 ounces driven by higher throughput from underground
infrastructures and improved grades resulting from operational efficiencies, although this was partially offset by metallurgical
challenges at the plant. Following the two fatalities, Amandelbult imposed stoppages across the mine, in addition to complying
with the Section 54 issued by the DMRE, to ensure that there are no repeats of the fatalities and lessons learned are
embedded. It is anticipated that the stoppages will have a ~5% impact on the mine's 2024 M&C production.

Modikwa production (50% own-mined) increased by 3% to 36,000 ounces due to higher grades.
Purchases of PGM concentrate
On a like-for-like basis, to include 100% of Kroondal volumes in the comparative period, purchase of concentrate volumes
decreased by 2% to 373,800 ounces, reflecting lower receipts from third parties, as well as the planned ramp-down at Kroondal.
This was partially offset by higher production from the Modikwa joint venture (the 50% POC).

Refined PGM production
Refined PGM production (from owned production, excluding tolling) increased by 7% to 1,153,500 ounces driven by the release
of work-in-progress inventory compared to the same period last year.

Toll refined PGM production decreased by 5% to 132,900 PGM ounces for the quarter.

There was no Eskom load-curtailment during the quarter.

Base metal production

Nickel production increased by 20% to 7,300 tonnes and copper production increased by 18% to 4,600 tonnes due to higher
throughput following the release of work-in-progress inventory.

PGM sales volumes
PGM sales volumes (excluding trading) increased by 14% to 1,266,100 ounces, supported by higher refined production and a
draw-down of finished goods.

The average Q2 2024 realised basket price of $1,419/PGM ounce was 18% (or 20% in ZAR terms) lower than Q2 2023,
predominantly due to a 37% lower rhodium price and 31% lower palladium price.

2024 guidance
Production guidance for 2024 for M&C2 and refined production2 is unchanged and is expected to be 3.3-3.7 million PGM ounces,
subject to the impact of Eskom load curtailment. We are on track to deliver on our cost-out programme. The H1 2024 cash
operating unit cost is expected to be ~R18,300 per PGM ounce due to lower production in the first half of the year. The continued
business configuration initiatives in the second half of 2024, supplemented by further cost savings and a step-up in production
will enable the achievement of the 2024 cash operating unit cost guidance of R16,500-R17,500 per PGM ounce and a targeted
all-in sustaining cost (AISC) of below US$1,050 per 3E ounce.

The productivity and operational excellence initiatives (including the employee restructuring process) announced in February are
well advanced and further details will be provided at our upcoming 2024 Interim Results.

2 Metal in concentrate (M&C) production by source is expected to be own mined of 2.1-2.3 million ounces and purchase of concentrate of 1.2-1.4 million ounces. The average
M&C split by metal is Platinum: ~45%, Palladium: ~35% and Other: ~20%.

Anglo American Platinum                                                                                      Q2 2024     Q2 2024                         H1 2024

PGM Production Report - Q2 2024                                   Q2       Q1       Q4       Q3       Q2          vs          vs         H1        H1        vs
                                                                2024     2024     2023     2023     2023     Q2 2023     Q1 2024       2024      2023    H12023

Fatalities - own managed operations                 number          2        0        0        0        0    (100) %     (100) %          2         0    (100) %
Total recordable injury frequency rate (TRIFR)   /million hrs    1.48     1.88     1.88     1.32     1.45        2 %       (21) %      1.66      1.58        5 %
Mined production - previously published
PGM ounces produced                              000 ounces     547.2    504.3    595.7    665.8    612.7      (11) %       9    %   1,051.5   1,198.7     (12) %
  Platinum                                       000 ounces     250.3    229.9    270.9    304.0    280.7      (11) %       9    %     480.2     546.2     (12) %
  Palladium                                      000 ounces     197.1    185.2    218.0    231.3    216.7        (9) %      6    %     382.3     421.1       (9) %
  Rhodium                                        000 ounces      30.9     27.9     33.3     41.5     36.0      (14) %      11    %      58.8      72.2     (19) %
  Other PGMs                                     000 ounces      68.9     61.3     73.5     89.0     79.3      (13) %      12    %     130.2     159.2     (18) %
Tonnes milled                                    000 tonnes     6,142    5,921    6,249    6,808    6,574        (7) %      4    %    12,063    12,964       (7) %
4E built-up head grade1                                 g/t      3.17     3.05     3.35     3.29     3.15         1 %       4    %      3.11      3.11       —%
PGM ounces produced                              000 ounces     232.6    219.5    265.3    246.8    242.4        (4) %       6 %      452.1     461.4        (2) %
  Platinum                                       000 ounces     100.2     94.2    113.7    103.9    103.1        (3) %       6 %      194.4     194.0        —%
  Palladium                                      000 ounces     106.1    100.4    122.1    113.5    111.2        (5) %       6 %      206.5     211.7        (2) %
  Rhodium                                        000 ounces        6.3      6.2      7.4      7.7      7.1     (11) %        2 %       12.5      14.2      (12) %
  Other PGMs                                     000 ounces      20.0     18.7     22.1     21.7     21.0        (5) %       7 %       38.7      41.5        (7) %
Tonnes milled                                    000 tonnes     3,483    3,515    3,418    3,485    3,427         2 %       (1) %     6,998     6,753         4 %
4E built-up head grade1                                 g/t      2.60     2.45     3.00     2.75     2.70        (4) %       6 %       2.52      2.58        (2) %
PGM ounces produced                              000 ounces     157.6    127.1    149.9    184.9    147.9       7    %     24 %       284.7     299.4       (5) %
  Platinum                                       000 ounces      80.5     65.4     76.3     93.9     75.7       6    %     23 %       145.9     151.9       (4) %
  Palladium                                      000 ounces      36.9     30.0     35.4     43.6     34.3       8    %     23 %        66.9      69.3       (3) %
  Rhodium                                        000 ounces      14.2     11.5     13.8     16.9     13.3       7    %     23 %        25.7      27.3       (6) %
  Other PGMs                                     000 ounces      26.0     20.2     24.4     30.5     24.6       6    %     29 %        46.2      50.9       (9) %
Tonnes milled                                    000 tonnes     1,146      924    1,106    1,223    1,044      10    %     24 %       2,070     2,056        1 %
4E built-up head grade1                                 g/t      4.48     4.53     4.27     4.37     4.03      11    %      (1) %      4.50      4.20        7 %
PGM ounces produced                              000 ounces      66.3     61.9     66.5     76.1     77.4      (14) %        7 %      128.2     146.1      (12)   %
  Platinum                                       000 ounces      30.2     27.9     29.8     34.6     35.1      (14) %        8 %       58.1      66.7      (13)   %
  Palladium                                      000 ounces      19.6     18.5     19.9     22.6     22.9      (14) %        6 %       38.1      42.6      (11)   %
  Rhodium                                        000 ounces       5.4      5.0      5.3      6.1      6.2      (13) %        8 %       10.4      11.7      (11)   %
  Other PGMs                                     000 ounces      11.1     10.5     11.5     12.8     13.2      (16) %        6 %       21.6      25.1      (14)   %
Tonnes milled                                    000 tonnes      617      559      603      685      705       (12) %      10 %       1,176     1,378      (15)   %
4E built-up head grade1                                 g/t      3.42     3.52     3.47     3.49     3.48        (2) %      (3) %      3.47      3.36        3    %
PGM ounces produced                              000 ounces      54.7     62.8     61.8     60.5     59.0       (7) %      (13) %     117.5     121.5       (3) %
  Platinum                                       000 ounces      24.7     28.6     28.3     27.3     27.2       (9) %      (14) %      53.3      55.6       (4) %
  Palladium                                      000 ounces      21.1     24.3     23.4     22.6     22.8       (7) %      (13) %      45.4      46.9       (3) %
  Rhodium                                        000 ounces       2.4      2.8      2.7      2.9      2.5       (4) %      (14) %        5.2       5.3      (2) %
  Other PGMs                                     000 ounces       6.5      7.1      7.4      7.7      6.5       —%           (8) %     13.6      13.7       (1) %
Tonnes milled                                    000 tonnes      609      654      666      615      623        (2) %        (7) %    1,263     1,275       (1) %
4E built-up head grade1                                 g/t      3.30     3.49     3.39     3.54     3.44       (4) %        (5) %     3.40      3.45       (1) %
Modikwa joint operation (AAP share)2
PGM ounces produced                              000 ounces      36.0     33.0     36.3     39.6     35.1        3 %        9    %     69.0      69.5       (1) %
  Platinum                                       000 ounces      14.7     13.8     15.1     16.2     14.5        1 %        7    %     28.5      28.3        1 %
  Palladium                                      000 ounces      13.4     12.0     13.2     14.5     12.9        4 %       12    %     25.4      25.8       (2) %
  Rhodium                                        000 ounces       2.6      2.4      2.7      3.0      2.6       —%          8    %      5.0       5.2       (4) %
  Other PGMs                                     000 ounces       5.3      4.8      5.3      5.9      5.1        4 %       10    %     10.1      10.2       (1) %
Tonnes milled                                    000 tonnes      287      269      321      326      308        (7) %       7    %     556       606        (8) %
4E built-up head grade1                                 g/t      3.93     3.81     3.64     3.83     3.52      12 %         3    %     3.87      3.58        8 %
Kroondal joint operation (AAP share) 3
PGM ounces produced                              000 ounces        —        —      15.9     57.9     50.9    (100)   %   (100)   %      0.0     100.8    (100)    %
  Platinum                                       000 ounces        —        —       7.7     28.1     25.1    (100)   %   (100)   %      0.0      49.7    (100)    %
  Palladium                                      000 ounces        —        —       4.0     14.5     12.6    (100)   %   (100)   %      0.0      24.8    (100)    %
  Rhodium                                        000 ounces        —        —       1.4      4.9      4.3    (100)   %   (100)   %      0.0        8.5   (100)    %
  Other PGMs                                     000 ounces        —        —       2.8     10.4      8.9    (100)   %   (100)   %      0.0      17.8    (100)    %
Tonnes milled                                    000 tonnes        —        —      135      474      467     (100)   %   (100)   %        0       896    (100)    %
4E built-up head grade1                                 g/t        —        —      3.22     3.57     3.35    (100)   %   (100)   %     0.00      3.44    (100)    %
Purchase of concentrate - previously published
PGM ounces produced                              000 ounces     373.8    329.8    336.5    363.8    330.4      13    %     13    %    703.6     645.6       9     %
  Platinum                                       000 ounces     173.9    154.0    158.0    171.9    156.3      11    %     13    %    327.9     307.6       7     %
  Palladium                                      000 ounces      89.3     79.5     78.5     83.5     75.8      18    %     12    %    168.8     149.5      13     %
  Rhodium                                        000 ounces      26.5     23.1     22.9     24.5     21.9      21    %     15    %     49.6      42.7      16     %
  Other PGMs                                     000 ounces      84.1     73.2     77.1     83.9     76.4      10    %     15    %    157.3     145.8       8     %
Anglo American Platinum                                                                                                          Q2 2024     Q2 2024                            H1 2024

PGM Production Report - Q2 2024                                                 Q2         Q1         Q4         Q3         Q2         vs         vs         H1           H1         vs
                                                                              2024      2024       2023       2023       2023    Q2 2023     Q1 2024      2024          2023    H12023

Refined production owned
PGM ounces refined                                          000 ounces      1153.5   628.00       1191.1     909.7      1073.8        7 %      84 % 1,781.5            1699.8       5 %
    Platinum                                                000 ounces       554.0      272.7      565.2      428.5      489.4      13 %      103 %       826.7         755.4       9 %
    Palladium                                               000 ounces       372.5      206.4      400.0      285.5      352.6        6 %      80 %       578.9         583.1     (1) %
    Rhodium                                                 000 ounces        70.8       39.6       61.3       57.1       68.4        4 %      79 %       110.4         107.2       3 %
  Other PGMs                                                000 ounces       156.2      109.3      164.6      138.6      163.4       (4) %     43 %       265.5         254.1       4 %
Nickel                                                          tonnes       7,300      4,700      7,000      5,400      6,100      20 %       55 %      12,000         9,400      28 %
Copper                                                           tonnes      4,600      3,300      4,000      3,100      3,900      18 %       39 %       7,900         6,600      20 %
Chrome                                                      000 tonnes         249        199        265        265        232        7 %      25 %         448          443        1 %
Toll refining
PGM ounces refined                                          000 ounces       132.9      160.2      175.1      159.8      139.6       (5) %     (17) %     293.1         285.7       3 %
    Platinum                                                000 ounces        78.0       93.5      103.8       94.7       83.8       (7) %     (17) %     171.5         169.3       1 %
    Palladium                                               000 ounces        41.8       49.2       54.5       50.1       43.2       (3) %     (15) %      91.0          87.2       4 %
    Rhodium                                                 000 ounces        11.0       15.1       14.1       12.7       10.1        9 %      (27) %      26.1          24.1       8 %
    Gold                                                    000 ounces         2.1        2.4        2.6        2.4        2.4      (13) %     (13) %       4.5           5.1     (12)%
Sales volume from production
PGM ounces                                                  000 ounces      1266.1   707.50       1166.2     951.8      1108.7      14 %       79 %      1,973.6       1807.3       9 %
    Platinum                                                000 ounces       583.8      282.0      554.2      441.8      503.1      16 %      107 %       865.8         792.7       9 %
    Palladium                                               000 ounces       404.4      229.7      397.0      296.3      358.4      13 %       76 %       634.1         595.8       6 %
    Rhodium                                                 000 ounces        73.6       42.6       62.4       61.5       66.7      10 %       73 %       116.2         107.3       8 %
    Other PGMs                                              000 ounces       204.3      153.2      152.6      152.2      180.5      13 %       33 %       357.5         311.5      15 %
PGM ounces                                                  000 ounces     2,092.4      1,200.1    1,050.3    1,220.9    1,153      81 %       74 %     3,292.5       2,065.2      59 %
    Platinum                                                000 ounces     1,186.2      668.3      565.8      724.5      836.9      42 %       77 %     1,854.5       1,503.5      23 %
    Palladium                                               000 ounces       728.5      450.7      417.7      421.5      243.7     199 %       62 %     1,179.2         428.9     175 %
    Rhodium                                                 000 ounces        49.9        6.1        6.9       14.6       12.4     302 %      718 %        56.0          32.8      71 %
    Other PGMs                                              000 ounces       127.8       75.0       59.9       60.3       60.0     113 %       70 %       202.8         100.0     103 %
Realised metal, Fx and realised basket prices
Platinum                                                       (US$/oz)       1000        889        867        933      1,022       (2) %     12 %         964         1,008     (4) %
Palladium                                                      (US$/oz)       985       1,043      1,034      1,244      1,428      (31) %     (6) %      1,006         1,532    (34) %
Rhodium                                                        (US$/oz)     4,651       4,563      4,498      4,453      7,427      (37) %       2 %      4,619         9,034    (49) %
Iridium                                                        (US$/oz)     4,573       4,841      4,782      4,347      4,435        3 %      (6) %      4,705         4,369       8 %
Ruthenium                                                      (US$/oz)        343        362        388        400        419      (18) %     (5) %        351          422     (17) %
Gold                                                           (US$/oz)     2,510       2,182      2,054      1,924      1,869      34 %        15 %      2,351         1,966      20 %
Average Fx achieved on sales                                   ZAR/US$       18.54      18.94      18.73      18.54      18.75       (1) %      (2) %     18.68         18.34       2 %
US$ realised basket price                                    (/PGM oz)      1,419      1,483      1,400      1,539      1,730       (18) %      (4) %     1,442         1,885    (24) %
ZAR realised basket price                                    (/PGM oz)      26,011     28,218     26,111     28,521     32,623      (20) %      (8) %     26,802       34,764    (23) %

Numbers are independently rounded and minor variances might be present when performing additions, subtractions and calculations.

1  4E: the grade measured as the combined content of: platinum, palladium, rhodium and gold, excludes tolled material. Minor metals are excluded due to variability.

2  Modikwa is a 50% joint operation. The 50% equity share of production is presented under 'Own mined' production. Anglo American Platinum purchases the remaining 50% of
   production, which is presented under 'Purchase of concentrate'.
3  Kroondal was a 50% joint operation until 1 November 2023. Up until this date, the 50% equity share of production was presented under 'Own mined' production and the remaining
   50% of production, that Anglo American Platinum purchased, was presented under 'Purchase of concentrate'. Upon the disposal of our 50% interest, Kroondal transitioned to a
   100% third-party POC arrangement, whereby 100% of production will be presented under 'Purchase of concentrate: Third parties' until it transitions to a toll arrangement,
   expected at the end of H2 2024.
4  Trading sales volume - relates to sales of metal not produced by Anglo American Platinum operations.

Merrill Lynch South Africa (Pty) Ltd t/a BofA Securities

For further information, please contact:

Investors:                                                             Media:
Theto Maake                                                            Keitumetse Masike
(SA) +27 (0) 83 489 5215                                               (SA) +27 (0) 66 484 0227                                           keitumetse.masike

Marcela Grochowina
(SA) +27 (0) 82 400 3222

Notes to editors:

Anglo American Platinum Limited is a member of the Anglo American plc Group and is a leading primary producer of platinum
group metals. The company is listed on the Johannesburg Securities Exchange (JSE). Its mining, smelting, and refining
operations are based in South Africa. Elsewhere in the world, the Group owns Unki Platinum Mine in Zimbabwe. Anglo
American Platinum is committed to the highest standards of safety and continues to make a meaningful and sustainable
difference in the development of the communities around its operations.

Anglo American is a leading global mining company, and our products are the essential ingredients in almost every aspect of
modern life. Our portfolio of world-class competitive operations, with a broad range of future development options, provides
many of the future-enabling metals and minerals for a cleaner, greener, more sustainable world and that meet the fast growing
every day demands of billions of consumers. With our people at the heart of our business, we use innovative practices and the
latest technologies to discover new resources and to mine, process, move and market our products to our customers – safely
and sustainably.

As a responsible producer of copper, nickel, platinum group metals, diamonds (through De Beers), and premium quality iron
ore and steelmaking coal – with crop nutrients in development – we are committed to being carbon neutral across our
operations by 2040. More broadly, our Sustainable Mining Plan commits us to a series of stretching goals to ensure we work
towards a healthy environment, creating thriving communities and building trust as a corporate leader. We work together with
our business partners and diverse stakeholders to unlock enduring value from precious natural resources for the benefit of the
communities and countries in which we operate, for society as a whole, and for our shareholders. Anglo American is re-
imagining mining to improve people's lives.

Date: 18-07-2024 08:00:00
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